Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [vb past] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 . ’
2 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 , ’ ( UX No 375 ) .
3 However , he did concede that " there were indications that some activities and individuals might have been motivated to prevent success in constitutional goals " and that " some activities led to the deaths of people " .
4 As the Clean Air Act had left much to state initiative , congressional dissatisfaction with the rate of progress in some states led to the Air Quality Act of 1967 which at last required states to establish air quality standards consistent with federal criteria , and then to devise implementation plans setting out ways of achieving the air quality standards .
5 ( But the new tube was less sure of itself , and revised versions of it during the next few months whiplashed over the map of south London like a demented snake . )
6 A few hens pecked between the cobbles and rabbits scuffled in hutches along one of the dry-stone walls .
7 It blew her hair across her face , and some books fell on the floor .
8 Some Scots fled to the abbey there after Flodden . ’
9 Few cheapjacks went to the Tuesday market , but there were numerous stalls selling vegetables , fish , clothing and many other items .
10 This was the way in which some Communists reacted to the advent of Nazism in 1933 .
11 A few grenades chucked into the crowds outside polling stations would have quickly spread panic .
12 One night some dogs got into the nature reserve .
13 Some stations stood in the heart of thriving capital cities and teemed with life day and night ; others in desolate fastnesses , where as Dickens remarked of the remote New England depots , ‘ the wild impossibility of anybody having the smallest reason to get out is only equalled by the apparently desperate hopelessness of there being anybody to get in ’ .
14 ( d ) Some questions asked by the Government 's own back benchers are " planted " by the Minister to enable him to release information .
15 Some glasses crashed to the floor .
16 Possibly this was because he distrusted the enthusiasm , sometimes pushed to excessive lengths , which some agnostics felt for the church ( for example their defence of Cranmer 's Prayer Book ) , and Hardy 's enthusiasm amounted almost to love .
17 Some respondents knew from the beginning that she was Catholic , and those that did not soon learnt about it .
18 Some players threw in the towel , and that is just not acceptable . ’
19 A few men appeared at the corner of the union building , on their faces a blend of caution and apathy .
20 Few children lived on the road and residents were mostly retired .
21 Some guys died in the chair bringing them in . ’
22 She smiled at the few women clustered at the counter and acknowledged their somewhat surprised greetings , and was enormously grateful to Frank Green , the owner , for treating her as if she were a regular and valued customer instead of a virtual stranger .
23 Some women took to the loom , further diluting the labour supply in that branch , and others were able to enter the factories , but for many , especially in the de-industrialising South , the loss of home spinning was a real and much commented-on aggravator of female unemployment and depresser of living standards , especially marked around the turn of the century .
24 Smoke billowed out and a few snowflakes fluttered into the car .
25 A few soldiers ran down the steps for a fag .
26 At Giza some stones fell from the Pyramid of Cheops and stones were displaced from the side of the Pyramid of Khephren that faces the Sphinx , leaving fissures .
27 A few rocks showed in the water close in to the quarry face and there was a crescent of sand the meadow side of the water with two giant pines shading the right corner .
28 Anthony Drew , the vicar of Polruan , was a good example of the effect such conflicts had upon the clergy .
29 The universal feeling used to be that such books belonged in the libraries they came from .
30 Not only have many such parties appeared on the scene during the present century — the communist parties and anti-colonial parties such as the Indian National Congress — but there is in all socialist parties ( as well as in some right-wing parties , such as the fascist parties of the 1920s ) a persistent element of non-participating opposition .
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