Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [subord] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Political commercials might not be as persuasive as is commonly thought , but there are few doubts as to the importance of candidate appearances on ‘ free ’ news broadcasts .
2 A number of them were under few illusions as to the value of her work .
3 We 're attempting to give the customer some guidelines as to the quality of companies . ’
4 It would be churlish to suggest that either RWC or the Italian Federation fell down in some areas because of a lack of will to make the event succeed .
5 Relations between this group and the government had been strained for some years because of the sect 's links with Libya and its occupation of a disputed eight-acre site west of the capital , where it had built a commune .
6 It was thought by the producers that the programme slipped out of the top ten ratings for a few weeks because of the squeamishness of some viewers , but this was probably just a seasonal fluctuation .
7 Trips to project exhibitions of library resources and visits to library suppliers ' showrooms were a revelation for some teachers as to the variety and sophistication of recent publications in their area of the curriculum .
8 Such meteorites give us few clues as to the prevalence of life on other worlds ; however , members of a different class of meteorites — the carbonaceous chondritescontain organic chemicals , leading us to believe that the building blocks of life must be fairly commonplace .
9 Although DNase I footprints can only provide a crude estimate of ligand site size , the footprints with sequences such as ( TAA ) 4 CG(TTA) 4 give some clues as to the orientation of the drug molecule .
10 Although this may be a couple of years out of date , it only costs £3 and it may give some clues as to the strength of the company .
11 She was puzzled for some moments as to the source of the smell , so little did she expect the brothers would be so dirty .
12 The rather naive young man had been totally misled about what his needs should be — and , in addition , had some qualms as to the size of his penis which raised doubt in his mind as to whether the imagined deficiency was affecting sexual satisfaction for them both ( see page 77 ) .
13 This might have been a drawback of such accounts but for the fact that linguistic accounts understood in accord with the current consensus among analytic philosophers either are not possible or lack any philosophical interest .
14 This may reflect the fact that many people today have more leisure and money to spend on such pursuits than in the past .
15 It will also meet with resistance from some of the groups that stand to gain from such policies because of the grip that the ideology of inequality has on British society .
16 The exact number to be allowed was entirely a matter for the constable who ‘ must be left to take such steps as on the evidence before him he thinks are proper ’ .
17 Her mother , although of the mentality that refuses such places because of the price of the uniform , was luckily not in a social or financial position where she could reasonably do so , and although she was often unreasonable enough , she did not like to appear to be so in the eyes of the whole neighbourhood , so she constrained her parsimony and her innate distrust in education into selecting the less distinguished of the schools available , on the grounds that the bus fare was cheaper .
18 ( 3 ) This section applies to a contract if — ( a ) the rent does not exceed the figure applicable in accordance with subsection ( 4 ) , and ( b ) the letting is not on such terms as to the tenant 's responsibility as are mentioned in subsection ( 5 ) … ( 5 ) This section does not apply where a house is let for a term of three years or more ( the lease not being determinable at the option of either party before the expiration of three years ) upon terms that the tenant puts the premises into a condition reasonably fit for human habitation .
19 Furthermore , the parties are unable to respond adequately to such developments because of an unwillingness to tamper with a system that works to their mutual advantage .
20 That we will keep all information of a confidential nature about [ ] Plc and [ ] Plc 's business and financial affairs which come to our knowledge during negotiations for the sale of the Shares to you confidential and accordingly we will not disclose any such information to any person or use any such information other than wholly in connection with such negotiations except to the extent that it is , already when we receive such information , or becomes thereafter , public knowledge through no fault of any of us .
21 Tests of medical house doctors after a night spent on emergency admissions ( when they got an average of 1.5 hours ' sleep ) showed them to be significantly worse at a memory task designed to tap these skills than after a night off duty .
22 Very few modifications were carried out on these cars while in the ownership of Croydon Corporation .
23 Anglian Water Authority claims that the water drawn off from the lake is still safe despite these problems because of the treatment it gives the water before it reaches people 's taps .
24 Baldwin ( 1954 ) states that 42 per cent of Mexico had ‘ accelerated erosion ’ and so on , although as section 1 of this chapter suggests , it is difficult to know how to gauge the significance of these figures except in a general and qualitative way , which indeed may be sufficient .
25 In addition the respondents pleaded that the petitioner was not entitled to pursue these allegations because of the compromise made on 6 May 1988 whereby it was agreed that ‘ all litigation between Omnicorp , [ the petitioner , the first respondent and the second respondent ] ( including the present proceedings ) would be discontinued . ’
26 Subsequent PTCA was carried out in 11 of these patients because of the recurrence of their pain and I patient went on to bypass grafting .
27 DeMarco regards these techniques as in the realm of analysis only and considers design to be a separate process where the analyst uses his experience and imagination to ‘ invent ’ a new system .
28 Development training was specifically mentioned by fewer respondents than in the county libraries .
29 Many landlords try to get round the law by letting under one of these headings because of the degree of control they can exercise over the duration of the tenancy and over individual tenants .
30 Thus the surgical group required a significant amount of blood transfusion as well as injection and check endoscopies , although there were fewer episodes than in the sclerotherapy group .
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