Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do remember , at the discussions with Verity , they even had a few sketches done of the kind of clothes she would wear .
2 With a turnover of about £250m , Virgin Records is one of the few independents left in the music business .
3 Sir Derek will resist pressure from some shareholders to resign in the belief that this is largely a minority view .
4 In an hour he was ready , his map taped to the gas tank , his few possessions strapped on the seat behind him .
5 Few illustrations survive of the interiors of funeral furnishing establishments prior to the introduction of the camera .
6 The Girls used a combination of numbers five and nine ; a few streaks painted on the cheeks , chin , nose and forehead were blended with the fingertips .
7 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 . ’
8 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 , ’ ( UX No 375 ) .
9 But Coun Michael Carr , Labour leader of the council , said apart from some meetings held during the recess he was not aware of any difficulties .
10 He lay for some minutes listening to the clatter of boots , slamming of doors and distant shouts before the snorts and squeals of armoured personnel carriers below his window made him realise this was far from normal and was , in fact , an Agile Blade .
11 ‘ Goodnight , ’ she answered , and went swiftly to her room , to spend some minutes leaning against the door with a dreamy smile on her face .
12 Some employers recruit on the basis of interviews held in hotels as visiting recruitment forums .
13 Once in the park , Joyce 's mother had stopped to talk to another young woman while Joyce herself sat watching some birds pecking at the remains of a sandwich that someone had dropped on the path .
14 For example , a neutral statement following on from the sentence about Mary and her teacher was Mary heard some birds singing outside the classroom window .
15 She was examining a few canvases stacked against the wall but she looked up at his question .
16 In the enthusiasm of the renewed emphasis on the Spirit these days he is some times presented as the pathway to power in the Christian life , the secret of success in personal living and in service .
17 That slag was at some times tapped during the period is shown by the debris at Shakenoak , which was accompanied by the day linings from four furnaces and forging hearths .
18 A wide semicircle of Germans and Repubblichini formed on the edge of the pianura near Parma and moved up towards the mountains , looting and burning villages ; some times shooting in the air to spread terror and sometimes hanging or deporting the inhabitants .
19 However , he did concede that " there were indications that some activities and individuals might have been motivated to prevent success in constitutional goals " and that " some activities led to the deaths of people " .
20 A further important complication for the study of implementation introduced by the involvement of professionals is that some activities depend upon the co-operation of two or more professional groups .
21 These people and their children differ from the so-called mixed race children only in terms of time , and are only a few generations removed from the point at which the mixture occurred .
22 Once the transition had occurred , some builders expanded on the square and rectangular theme and added wild , exuberant and curvaceous forms — this is sometimes called Baroque .
23 CLUB AND RESORT FACILITIES — some Clubs charge for the use of certain facilities , e.g. mini-golf , tennis courts , saunas , sun loungers , parasols , and nightclubs etc .
24 There were some fish-hooks attached to the cord higher up , tiny little fish-hooks .
25 Ted peeled some sticks pulled from the hedge and used them as markers by which to guide his plough , in order to set his rigs .
26 On some coals drawn to the side of the neat little fire , strips of meat were laid to grill : with the subtle savour of wood smoke they spread a most provocative smell on the still air .
27 Depression and a diminution in self care were noted in the few cases identified in the Kent Community Care project ( Davies and Challis , 1986 ) .
28 On the parking front in the centre of Nottingham you 'll find a space at St James Street and the Arndale Centre car park but Victoria Centre 's got a few minutes wait at the York Street entrance and Trinity Square still very busy next update in ten minutes time .
29 Please could I ask you to find a few minutes to write to the Secretary of State for Wales , Welsh Office , Cathays Park , Cardiff CF1 3NQ , urging him to persuade his cabinet colleagues of the importance of finding time for an Environment Bill which includes these measures .
30 Rachel groaned as her alarm sounded the following Monday morning and , rolling over , she flicked the button to silence it , then lay for a few minutes staring at the ceiling .
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