Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Volume was measured separately for each outstanding futures contract by the number of contracts traded during the day .
2 His description could well apply to the 1960s in the UK , with the proviso perhaps that social changes lagged behind the business cycle somewhat .
3 Florence reports under 1016 that English counsellors decided upon the exile of the much-respected ætheling Eadwig , Æthelred 's only surviving son by his first consort , and that Cnut , exulting at their abandonment of him , plotted his murder by promising honours , dignities and favour to the nobleman Æthelweard in return for Eadwig 's head .
4 It would seem that different considerations apply in the exceptional cases in which discovery may be obtained from a third party .
5 By contrast , France did have some strong incentives to work with the other five .
6 Wisden had some strong words to say about the fourth game , back in Trinidad : ‘ England put up a performance which exposed to the crowd of 21,000 what depths of incompetence they had reached … after two days off following the Test defeat , the first practice was made optional — and Gower himself was one of the six who failed to attend . ’
7 In contrast to the few pet names moving through the bynames stage to become established hereditary surnames , there are dozens of diminutives which successfully made the transition , and an example of the surnames coined from but one font-name is sufficient to make the point : from Richard ( Reaney , as above ) come almost thirty styles including Rich , Richie , Hitch , Hitchcock , Higgins , Hicks , Dick , Dickie and Diggen .
8 A few persistent themes emerged during the debate : local democracy and the vexed question of the relationship between local government and central government ; the crisis in local government funding ; and the community care reforms .
9 Very few Spanish rugs come onto the market due to the limited numbers which are produced ; they are usually made specifically to contract .
10 Some innovations undeniably lie within this definition , including urban-funding schemes , land registers , industry and enterprise , garden festivals and some specific projects outlined in the 1988 Action for Cities statement .
11 The few oral statements reported in the text are clearly marked as such so that no one can be in doubt as to their hypothetical nature .
12 Thus an anti-communist accord was preserved in the face of one of the very few political disagreements to intrude on the fun at drinks ' time .
13 A distinctive , erratic song with some metallic-sounding notes coming from the hidden depths of a thicket had finally been identified as belonging to a bluethroat , surely one of the most beautiful small birds in Scandinavia .
14 A few weak lights shone on the far side , and headlights on the Otter Ferry road , two miles away across the black expanse of waves , swung out briefly , like a lighthouse beam … and then dimmed and disappeared .
15 While most of the people rested in the river meadow , shivering as the layers of fog brimmed round them , Cameron and a few strong runners made for the Tummel above the confluence , crossed it , and found the people of Atholl and Tulliemet overflowing the howff at Widow Duff 's , supping broth , chewing mutton , throwing ribs to the dogs .
16 Although some Labour politicians clung to the belief that peace could be maintained , most had come to accept that war was inevitable by 1936 , confirmed in their opinion by the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War .
17 Erm Louise did a similar thing for me , managed to get some one-off letters run off the system .
18 The inadequacies of this egalitarian approach lead some lesbian psychologists to work outside the Division of the Psychology of Women and the AWP , in feminist and lesbian feminist organizations which grant sexuality more significance .
19 It may suit some English commentators to think of the IRA as only a terrorist force rather than the Irish Republican Army because the acronym represents the IRA as shadowy forces of savagery and evil , which by definition it is difficult for the civilised good to understand .
20 I can imagine some unpleasant things happening with the sling , too ; the sling-bombs have to be on a pretty short fuse if they 're to detonate soon enough after they land not to be throw-backable , and I 've had a couple of close calls already when they 've gone off just after they left the sling .
21 Subject searching is dependent on titles and subject headings which provide few searchable terms compared with the abstracts and subject descriptors of IR systems .
22 THERE HAVE been a few tactical errors made in the winter lists of new rugby books .
23 Wherever there appears to be a ‘ mystique ’ about the interviewing — suggestions that these results were possible because of some mystical skills possessed by the interviewer — then one is likely to be moving from social science towards journalism , or special pleading at the very least .
24 After a few rosy years teaching in the rural school I got a job on a city estate .
25 Figure 4 above shows how few direct links exist between the two authorities .
26 Some hon. Members referred to the issue , but in the time available I say only that we all accept that second homes present a threat in parts of Wales .
27 In spite of the lack of any right to secure payment , some unscrupulous firms have in the past found it profitable to market their wares by sending them out unsolicited .
28 Some poetic complaints survive on the concealing nature of this dress , designed to cover the tunic but to be worn beneath a cloak .
29 Cronenberg 's crazed , controversial , body-rebelling movie had some salient points to make about the video nasty furore then current , but scenes like the one where Deborah Harry stubbed a cigarette out on her breast got all the attention .
30 The Virus code was hidden in the ROM chip firmware of some networked printers supplied to the Iraqis just before the outbreak of the Air Campaign .
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