Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This meant that school-children taking ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels were not moved during this crucial time and so disruption to schooling did not present a major problem for parents .
2 In October of this year I would like to hold another sale to raise £1,000 for Breast Cancer Research and would like to ask you readers if they would help me once again by donating one item no matter how small , or if they have some spare yarn but not time to knit it up and would like to donate the yarn I have some people who would help me to knit it .
3 There was a close working partnership between them , in governments and in opposition , for fifteen years , but it was untinted by much mutual affection or even comprehension .
4 Leese 's ludicrous argument appeared even more bizarre , given his inflexible belief that acquired characteristics could not be inherited and that genetic endowment and not environment , culture or education determined behaviour ; when applied to mankind these ideas led him to criticize Spengler and other nationalists for seeing culture rather than race as determining human action .
5 A lurcher has all the necessary speed to catch and seize any speeding rabbit or even hare , but in truth virtually any dog that 's half a dog can catch a bolting rabbit during ferreting .
6 An important feature of owner-occupancy in rural areas is that the stock of housing is relatively limited in any given location and hence choice is restricted .
7 Show the total amount paid to or receivable by third parties ( other than connected persons ) for making available the services of any person as a director of the company or any subsidiary undertaking while also director of the company .
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