Example sentences of "[det] [prep] the [num] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Right off the bat Dan agreed , detailing this as the one criticism that had come back from American TriAxis users .
2 A secret report into the laboratory 's future concluded that the cheapest option was to close the laboratory , lay off half of the 200 scientists and move the rest to the government laboratories run by AEA Technology at Harwell in Oxfordshire .
3 Although a number of feminist authors have tended to view some of the 1960s legislation as ‘ liberalising ’ , they have sought to distinguish the identification of such a trend from any notion of ‘ liberation ’ .
4 Some of the 842 bridges that the city maintains are , it seems , in even worse condition than the subway .
5 Instead she decided to wander round the house , looking into some of the hundred rooms that Mrs Medlock had told her about .
6 Support for MacDonald had remained strong among some of the 200,000 Navajo and violence broke out during a protest march on his behalf in Window Rock on July 22 ; two men died and nine were wounded when police opened fire .
7 This helped formulate some of the 600 questions and devise a reply scoring system .
8 The 13 coal merchants and some of the 12 corn and seed merchants no doubt operated from the wharf .
9 They found confirmation of this in the one fact that nearly all nineteenth-century anthropologists were agreed upon , that what characterized primitives ( if not perhaps the most primitive ) was the predominance of kinship ties as the organizing principle of society .
10 It is very difficult to understand how the Bank can say this on the one hand and on the other hand , send out advertisements for positions such as Outlet Manager , [ Whatever that is ! ] , with a remuneration package that is to be negotiated with the Bank .
11 There are two tees on each of the nine holes and playing round it twice , gives a full 18 all for a fee of £6 at weekends !
12 The President was elected by simple majority , while members of the National Assembly were elected on a regional proportional basis , each party or alliance presenting a list of candidates in each of the nine regions and the number of deputies elected depending on the population of the region ( for example 25 for Managua , five for the Atlantic coast region ) .
13 Under the new format , that goal will be stepped up to seven of the top eight players in each of the nine tournaments or 12 of the top 14 .
14 Sigarup was chosen as one of the village representatives and was paid twenty rupees for each of the five days that he attended the course .
15 ‘ Now work out the profit I made on each of the five cars and add up the total .
16 Now consider T 5 ; the 252 robins that die aged 5 live a total of 252÷2 robin-years , to which must be added one year of life for each of the 63 birds that survive at least another year plus their total life beyond their next birthday ( i.e. T 6 ) .
17 Within each hot kitchen there is a first cook with the cooks and assistant cooks working in each of the four corners where they are responsible for the production of lunch and dinner .
18 We have a team from each of the four nations and we have a team from NATO .
19 There are variations in the literature used by each of the four plaintiffs and it is necessary to refer to the various brochures , application forms , conditions of employment and report forms .
20 Principal components are defined in terms of combinations of the pixel values in each of the four MSS or seven TM bands .
21 It sets out in some detail the means of complying with each of the eight principles that underpin the Data Protection Act .
22 Each of the six murder and mystery cases in the Monday night series takes up 30 minutes , with two being shown together .
23 It is hoped to attract 500 people to each of the two performances and to follow up the event with an ‘ Open Day ’ to be held the next week at which the public will be encouraged to try Medau for themselves .
24 You referred frequently to how well you know and the village , so I am sure she will , subject to your approach , be willing to go in and switch on a convector in each of the two rooms and read the meter .
25 A most relevant factor in this appeal is the extent and effect of the intervention of the mother who was alone with her daughter immediately before each of the two occasions that Miss T. indicated her rejection of a blood transfusion .
26 Pipe has achieved ever-increasing tallies in each of the 14 years since he took out a licence .
27 A steering group to expedite the CODESA discussions , comprising a representative of each of the 20 parties and chaired by Zach de Beer of the DP , was established .
28 Institutions of the EEA would be an EEA Council ( one minister from each of the 19 countries and a representative of the EC Commission , chaired for six months alternately by an EC or an EFTA member ) , EEA courts to deal with disputes and to hear appeals on competition rulings , an EEA consultative committee , and an EEA joint parliamentary committee .
29 , Mean relative tail lengths of the species with the longest streamer tail ( pintail or deep fork ) and graduated tail in each of the seven families that contain both long tail types ( Psittacidae , Caprimulgidae , Trochilidae , Tyrannidae , Monarchidae , Ploceidae and Paradisaeidae ) .
30 The autumn statement yesterday demonstrated that we have substantially increased in real terms — after inflation — the spending in each of the three areas that my hon. Friend mentioned .
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