Example sentences of "[det] [prep] these [noun pl] could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Yet if many of the toxic chemicals that animals possess have evolved in order to aid survival , either by predation or protection , it may well be that some of these compounds could assist our own survival .
2 Some of these offerings could have taken the form of wooden effigies , an idea supported by the discovery of many such figures in sacred pools in Germany and France .
3 The discovery of even a few of these objects could tell us much about the early history of the Solar System , perhaps more than we would learn from the elusive ( or illusory ) Planet X. Gerald D. Quinlan is at the Lick Observatory , University of California , .
4 Neither of these cultures could have provided an effective basis to challenge hegemonic authority in West Ham ; both were effectively foreclosed within dominant ideological discourses .
5 You may realise that neither of these labels could apply , and that there are just some bad faults on both sides that need putting right , through frank discussion , backed by a genuine desire to make the relationship work .
6 There seems to be no particular reason why the idea should not have cropped up earlier ( or indeed , later ) but , according to Bethe , its practical implementation could probably not have been much advanced because this depended on the development of high-speed computers and highly efficient fission triggers ; neither of these requirements could have been met at the beginning of 1950 .
7 Many of these deaths could have been prevented if the disease had been discovered earlier .
8 Many of these deaths could have been prevented if the disease had been discovered earlier .
9 Depending on the company , excluding any one or more of these items could have a dramatic effect on the volatility of its results , and so on the element of risk in its PRP scheme .
10 The utility aspect is an obvious one , both for interest and for practical help in itself — cook 's herbs , cosmetic herbs , medicinal herbs , dye herbs , household herbs — any of these groups could include at least ten different species .
11 Failure to report any of these situations could result in disciplinary action .
12 Most of these accidents could have been avoided by just a few minutes extra care .
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