Example sentences of "[det] [prep] which [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The School Curriculum was distributed to every school in England and Wales , and perhaps for this reason there was a wider span of reactions , some of which seemed more positive .
2 Art and design are largely concentrated in the polytechnics and colleges , some of which incorporate previously autonomous colleges of art .
3 Produce well-structured pieces of writing , some of which handle more demanding subject matter , eg going beyond their own firsthand experience .
4 As the ESR reflects changes in many serum proteins , some of which have long half lives , it is often slow to alter when there are major clinical changes .
5 To complete the game you need to photograph all 16 inventions , each of which takes over 20 shots !
6 Opaque polyhedrons split as he peered at them , revealing tiny mazes , each of which looked as complex as the larger network that filled the chamber .
7 In this way one can simplify the number of subproblems considerably and one can group them into about eight stages , each of which has about six sub-problems , and this becomes humanly comprehensible .
8 The largest conventional university is the University of London ( in effect a federation of largely independent colleges ) , which has over 40,000 students , followed a long way behind by the Universities of Wales , Oxford , Cambridge , Leeds and Manchester , each of which have over 10,000 students .
9 This present family boasts two genera , each of which contains only one species .
10 The Congolese rainforest forms part of a swathe of jungle in West Africa , much of which remains relatively untouched , although under increasing pressure from logging , settlement and mineral exploitation .
11 Diem proved a harsh dictator , using American aid to remove opposition , all of which depicted as Communist , and in 1956 he refused to hold the elections stipulated at Geneva .
12 Perhaps the best examples of this mistake were the British National Coal Board , British Steel Corporation and British Leyland , all of which had strikingly similar histories : see Higgins and Clegg , 1988 . )
13 When he went to Waitrose to buy the food for their contribution to what everyone in the street was calling ‘ Donald 's funeral breakfast ’ Henry spent hours browsing through the domestic cleaners , all of which sounded pretty lethal .
14 Determination to deal with the situation " properly and once and for all " but coupled with the confusion of not knowing precisely what to do for the best , particularly in the face of vast quantities of advice all of which seems perfectly clear — except that it directly conflicts with other equally vast and equally clear advice from other sources .
15 The toothed whales include sperm whales , killer whales and the various species of dolphins , all of which hunt relatively large prey such as fish and squids , which they catch in their jaws .
16 The layout is very similar to that of Gournia , with narrow cobbled alleys weaving irregularly among blocks of houses , many of which had rather small chambers , cellars perhaps , on the ground floor .
17 The medical journals still present a variety of possible remedies , many of which sound most desperate and bizarre missionaries report from China that they have been cured by having needles stuck into their bellies and arms , yet this is not thought too strange to mention … and almost every variety of chemical substance has been proposed at one time or another , all of which is a sure sign that our profession remains baffled by this disease . "
18 Deloitte predicts that European groups — many of which have far greater financial fire-power than the relatively small British television contractors — will be ready to pay substantial premiums to gain a foothold in the UK market .
19 This shift in the meaning of marriage was accompanied by changes in married women 's property rights and in the grounds women could use to sue for divorce , both of which benefited primarily middle class women .
20 It had its own liturgy and Mass , both of which incorporated distinctly Eastern , non-Roman elements .
21 New Wave is the name of the company ; Aqua-Link the name of the filters ; and Sea-Max and Sea-Pro the name of the two models both of which incorporate extremely advanced features too numerous to mention here .
22 The move also followed the passing of budget resolutions by the House of Representatives on May 1 and by the budget committee of the Senate on May 2 , both of which embodied much deeper cuts in military expenditure than those contained within the Bush budget , which was increasingly viewed as obsolete because of its failure to address the implications of the radical change in Eastern Europe .
23 Environmentalists criticized what they claim are insufficient fines levied on polluters , most of which fell far short of the maximum permitted £20,000 .
24 Our adaptation of Pamela is the latest in a long , international line of stage versions , most of which took even greater liberties with the original than we did .
25 When discovered , the wreck was thought to be another English naval ship , the Dartmouth , most of which lies about half a mile away .
26 There are about 2000 species of fruit flies , most of which look remarkably similar .
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