Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] or " in BNC.

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1 The D R one A is currently an excellent er tactical reconnaissance aircraft , all weather , at night etcetera and er it will go on well into the next century so there 's no great hurry to make a decision er one of the first points has got ta be decided is whether we carry the reconnaissance equipment in a pod under the aircraft replacing some of the other weapons or whether we try to build it in and er but taking first things first we have to get the requirement sorted out .
2 Other initiatives , such as skill-sharing and studio-sharing , forming a group or association , or joining an arts guild , can help reduce some of the financial overheads or create cheaper and often better ways of exhibiting work .
3 Yellow Pages or some of the local journals or whatever and will have a copy in existence which we can use .
4 This is probably not a planned strategy , but the result of constant tiredness , busy programmes or some of the physical discomforts or psychological problems already mentioned .
5 Nowadays the keen water gardener has become far more selective when purchasing waterlilies , either trying to obtain some of the rarer varieties or experimenting with some of the more recent introductions of nymphaea , especially some of the outstanding new varieties that have been produced in America .
6 Of the remainder , some of the main reasons or comments given for not having this policy were ;
7 By another of the technical innovations or borrowings which mark the art of this time , terracotta figurines and heads are no longer generally made freely by hand or turned on the wheel but pressed into moulds .
8 The system should assume that the top-rated candidates are correct unless the user chooses another of the existing candidates or enters an alternative word .
9 Under the new format , that goal will be stepped up to seven of the top eight players in each of the nine tournaments or 12 of the top 14 .
10 The creation of a National Commission for the Consolidation of Peace ( COPAZ ) , made up of one representative from each of the political parties or coalitions in the Legislative Assembly , and two each from the government , armed forces and FMLN , charged with the task of supervising the implementation of all future accords , including ceasefires and changes in the armed forces ; its work to be supervised byrepresentatives from the Roman Catholic Church and the UN Observers for El Salvador ( Onusal ) .
11 What effects , is any , do rapid changes in technology have on the appropriateness of each of the alternative ways Or putting a cost or a value to an item .
12 Commenting on the composition of the Edinburgh Trades Council in mid-century , Ian McDougall writes : " local trade unionism was predominantly , though not exclusively , that of the skilled workers or labour aristocracy " In printing , a craft trade par excellence , organization went back as least as far as the eighteenth century in Edinburgh and several other towns .
13 The fault is not entirely that of the sanitary authorities or of the immediate landlords …
14 Some of these will remain to watch over the living ; others enter the bodies of white birds , such as the sulphur-crested cockatoos or white egrets which hover over the Toraja rice-paddies .
15 Some propose that social behaviour is caused by external social forces while others , such as the symbolic interactionists or the ethnomethodologists , want to see social behaviour as actions mutually created and sustained by parties to social arrangements .
16 Inputs and outputs should be at the same level of abstraction ; in other words conversion of an abstract notion ( such as customers needs ) to a tangible form ( such as the specific goods or services that are supplied ) is not supportable in a root definition .
17 This may be organized and justified in various terms : as a group of cognate or faculty disciplines such as the social sciences or humanities ; as a number of disciplines brought to bear on a common area ( European Studies , Middle Eastern Studies ) or period ( Classics , The Enlightenment , Modern Studies ) or problem or theme ( Development Studies , Urban Studies ) ; as a sampling of some or all of the main types of human knowledge , as provided by the foundation year at Keele University ; or as a deliberate contrast between different types of knowledge ( arts-science schemes ) .
18 Elsewhere , only a sector of administration , such as the Chinese Customs or the Egyptian judiciary , would disseminate European influence .
19 One course of study may ask much of the imaginative powers or experimental skills of a participant , while another may place emphasis on intellectual resourcefulness or strong self-motivation .
20 It follows that , if a full course is to be mounted it must either attract support from all of the three faculties or must bring together an unusually diverse group of colleagues .
21 Portraits of the famous Roman emperors are known from a large number of other sources , principally sculpture , but for many of the Hellenistic kings or Roman emperors of the third century AD , coins provide the only portrait evidence .
22 At New Winchelsea many of the thirty-nine squares or chequers into which the town-site had been divided in the 1280s were never built upon , but remained under grass and can be seen to this day .
23 Under Mary , the Crown set up a sliding scale of military liability , so that poorer members of the community were obliged to supply a suit of armour , spear and bow and arrow , while those worth a thousand pounds or more were expected to provide sixteen horses , sixty suits of armour , fifty helmets , forty pikes , thirty long-bows , twenty bills , and twenty arquebuses .
24 Not only did the cost of supporting themselves during their training and pupillage deter would-be barristers from poorer back-grounds , but the anachronistic requirement that they then find a place in ‘ chambers ’ from which existing advocates were working inevitably favoured those with the right contacts or family connections .
25 Two of these clones exhibited activities of histamine induced cAMP production that were 2–3 times greater than those in the other clones or in the parent HGT-1 line despite the absence of interclonal variability in the affinity of the clones for histamine .
26 There was , therefore , a strong and general assumption that the highest diplomatic appointments , and particularly those in the major capitals or in which a strong ceremonial and symbolic element was still involved ( notably the embassies of the Catholic powers to the papacy ) should normally be given to great aristocrats .
27 Those in the 20 years or more category remained unaware of their tariff or of any possible release date .
28 Several drugs are recommended , including levamisole , or any of the modern benzimidazoles or ivermectin .
29 Any of the following signs or symptoms may cause you to be suspicious : water retention asthma abdominal bloating migraine headache abdominal wind insomnia abdominal pain anxiety or irritability diarrhoea constipation eczema puffy eyelids rhinitis ( sneezing or a runny nose ) swollen fingers or ankles
30 If a place is missing on the map which is mentioned in Domesday Book ( 1086 ) or any of the lay subsidies or poll taxes , this is a possibility for a deserted settlement .
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