Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [Wh det] [vb mod] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 The revised draft committed its participants to a ‘ sovereign federal democratic state ’ based upon a voluntary union of republics with equal rights , each of which would have the right to choose its own forms of property and government .
2 What we choose to call this event depends upon factors such as its magnitude : we speak for instance of accidents , emergencies , disasters and catastrophes , each of which carries connotations concerning the scale of the event and each of which will have a set of human and/or environmental consequences .
3 The chief function of boundary commissions is to secure even representation amongst the constituencies within their jurisdiction , each of which will have a notional ‘ quota ’ consisting of the total number of electors divided by the number of constituencies .
4 Once we have definable categories of patients , each of which can have a defined treatment regime , it then becomes a fairly straightforward task to build up a defined treatment cost .
5 The third is the growth of modular-credit schemes reinforced by a shift from student grants to loans , from full-time to part-time study , from young to mature entrants , all of which may have an impact — though one difficult to discern — on the breadth and structure of studies .
6 What seems clear from the above analysis is that local authorities operate within a wider political system incorporating a range of national organizations and institutions , all of which can have a direct effect upon local government .
7 cuts in defence expenditure , both of which are irresponsible and both of which would have a devastating effect on our capacity to defend ourselves .
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