Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [pron] can be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The paucity of available evidence concerning the foundation of the institution and the activities of the early Muftis means that one can hope to do no more than to draw reasonable inferences from the little evidence that does exist ; and some of what can be said about these problems involves a projection backward from the activities of later Muftis and will therefore be considered in greater detail in later sections .
2 Some of them can be isolated . ’
3 There are various ways of defining validity , only some of which can be quantified .
4 It provides a further list of options , some of which can be accessed by all LIFESPAN users , some of which are available only to certain privileged users .
5 They form spontaneously in the waters of our planet without the elaborate ‘ machinery ’ that DNA needs ; and they develop flaws spontaneously , some of which can be replicated in subsequent layers of crystal .
6 Herons , flamingos , spoonbills and cranes are examples , some of which can be seen elsewhere in the park .
7 But increasingly , doubts , some of which can be traced back to a general report on the supply of professional services by the Monopolies Commission in 1970 , were raised about whether restraints on competition in the professions are necessarily beneficial .
8 This is not as much of a gamble as it may appear at first sight , there are general principles of how to cope with the system , some of which can be built into automatic safeguards and some of which can be conveyed to the operator as knowledge and instructions .
9 Virtually all infections , be they sexually transmitted or not , provoke the formation of antibodies , some of which can be found circulating in the blood-stream .
10 It is widely found in cough mixtures ( eg Actifed ) and hay-fever medication , some of which can be bought without a prescription .
11 There are fewer than 20 instruments altogether , some of which can be disregarded immediately because , although they were made in London , they fall into the class of quasi-Ruckers harpsichords ( like the Ham House instrument ) and were always intended to deceive .
12 The latter is a heterogenous group of disorders that represent the end stage of a variety of disease processes , some of which can be associated with non-caseating granulomas in the lung .
13 You can see several of the topographic features discussed in the preceding section : a floor lower than the terrain beyond the rim ; the central peaks ; the wall slumps ; a floor flattened by infill ; an ( rather degraded ) ejecta blanket ; small surrounding craters , some of which can be shown to be secondaries .
14 This is not as much of a gamble as it may appear at first sight , there are general principles of how to cope with the system , some of which can be built into automatic safeguards and some of which can be conveyed to the operator as knowledge and instructions .
15 It is posited here that the maleffects of reproductive patterns upon maternal and child health and mortality represent largely unnecessary personal and social burdens , some of which can be eliminated by successful family planning and some by the formal education of both women and men , but especially women .
16 Indirect evidence may also help the historian to examine population variations , because it is reasonable to infer that these caused economic changes , some of which can be measured over wider and more representative areas .
17 But few of them can be done in isolation and all require some element of partnership .
18 The database then brings an ascending list of basic percentage maximum loans to the screen , each of which can be viewed in more detail .
19 Elements of each drawing can be assigned to one of 256 available levels , each of which can be displayed separately if required .
20 A paper published in Nature , for example , will contain a very small number of references , each of which can be regarded as highly influential on the authors , because that journal limits the number of references per paper .
21 Humans have 46 chromosomes , 23 from the father and 23 from the mother , each of which can be matched with its partner from the other parent .
22 Offered on demand as well as series-timetabled examinations , the new examinations are structured in sets of modules , each of which can be recognised by a separate certificate .
23 These patterns , each of which can be characterized in fractal terms , continue to change from step to step , unfolding a remarkable sequence , dynamic fractals .
24 A word is a group of electronic components , each of which can be set into either of two states .
25 I can confirm that , of course , I made none of those statements , but I believe that each of them can be attributed to the Leader of the Opposition .
26 Face down so that neither of us can be influenced by the other 's move : in effect , we move simultaneously .
27 This may buy some short-term security , but at the cost of limiting how much of themselves can be revealed and used in relationships with others .
28 Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure , That 's that 's Colin goes on to say , because you shall be like him does not mean that you are to care little about how much of him can be seen in your life .
29 Part of the original great tower or donjon survives , but much of what can be seen today dates from the 14th and 15th centuries : massive curtain walls , defended on the south and east by four flanking towers ; within , a large rectangular courtyard enclosure , terminated at its west end by the mighty circular donjon surrounded by its own moat and , on the east side , a great hall and chapel .
30 But Fodor goes on to argue that much of what can be said about reflexes can also be said about processes which we would normally regard as ‘ cognitive ’ rather than ‘ neurological ’ or ‘ behavioural ’ : the parsing of heard sentences , for example .
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