Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [pron] we [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 If there is any justification in using them , it 's not that they accurately reproduce the eighteenth century , but that through them we can clear our way back to it through all the nineteenth-century ironmongery put in our way by what , musically , I regard as a particularly corrupting and polluting century .
2 But those wo n't , er if we were to take cashing those in now , it would be probably taking half of what we might get for them in the future , and from a business proposition , there is a time , when even if you have money in the bank , there are times , when it would be very advantageous to take long term interest rates , at low interest rates , and I think er er this is er perhaps the best opportunity that we have .
3 There were , and still are of course , immense difficulties in the way of quantifying human phenomena , some of which we shall touch on later .
4 Other tribal cosmologies exhibit analogous features some of which we shall consider later .
5 Into the vacancy in men 's minds left by the retreat of the centennial myths of Christianity , crept strange cults and substitute faiths , some of which we shall look at in chapter ten .
6 Anyway , thank you all very much , er some of you we will see again tomorrow , ten o'clock .
7 TENSE , the grammatical expression of time , is a source of two distinct kinds of problem , each of which we should consider .
8 At that moment it had been appropriate to put big pickets you know I think if we thought too much about it we would have and taken it to the lodge and put it through the union it would have had cold water put over it and you know it was right for Tom to be wary and it was probably right for us to do what we did I mean I think you know it it was successful the way it turned out .
9 They do n't know much of what we can do
10 We hedge about , sensing how close we can get to someone , and how much of ourselves we can risk revealing .
11 The public debate about political priorities focuses far too much on what we can do for today 's consumption and far too little about what we invest in the future .
12 Bill Mumford says that everybody goes on these trips comes back changed in some way … its a maturiing thing … and maybe it 's a lesson for all of us we should feel inspired by disabled people trying something remarkable
13 Is it part of the Government 's duty to advise us all on what we should eat ?
14 It would be a more serious objection if there were no real truth there at all to which we can hope our judgements may approximate .
15 Where the " we " -groups are exogamous , as is very often the case , the " we/they " distinction corresponds exactly to the distinction " those with whom we may not intermarry because they are of common substance with us " / " those with whom we may intermarry because they are not of common substance with us " .
16 A survey of providers has been completed from which a list of those with whom we will contract will be drawn .
17 No no , there are natural , we always have a strong preference for something but we can actually develop them , just like management style we have a strong preference for , for one style but it is something that we can learn can get more and try and rationale sort of like theoretical we can try and rationalize what 's perhaps happening is that in situations when we 're not gaining a lot and it could be that it 's because it 's had a lot of activity and we can actually gain more from it we can rationalize it and analyze it .
18 We are told the way in which MPs have voted on certain controversial cross-party issues such as abortion and hanging ; we are given the names of those to whom we must say farewell and those we should welcome , but no details whatsoever as to the make up the corps of MPs ' secretaries , that body of sirens from whom the more susceptible among us should be protected .
19 The cross of Jesus is God 's final and decisive ‘ No ! ’ to all that : it leaves us literally nothing of our own on which we can rely .
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