Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 11.2.2 where the Signage of 11.2.1 can not be removed or destroyed painting or otherwise covering from sight all signage incurring any of the Trade Marks in so far at least as it relates to the Trade Marks ,
2 But I 've packed up a bundle of bedding — towels — things like that for you to use in the meantime . ’
3 Dorchester had a population of about 6,500 in 1851 , half of whom resided in the parish of Fordington .
4 Only 30 out of the 410 films launched last year raised more than $20m at the American box office ( half of which goes to the cinema owner anyway ) .
5 He bit through the frond ; half of it fell onto the floor .
6 Yes well er if it 's a joint account and the income 's i i if it 's a joint account and the income 's generated from that account , then er it will be er treated as one going to the taxpayer , er you know , half of it going to the taxpayer , half of it going to the non-taxpayer .
7 Yes well er if it 's a joint account and the income 's i i if it 's a joint account and the income 's generated from that account , then er it will be er treated as one going to the taxpayer , er you know , half of it going to the taxpayer , half of it going to the non-taxpayer .
8 Some £3 million , half of it provided by the European Community habitats committee , is to be spent to prevent the Redgrave and Lopham Fen , near Diss in Norfolk , from drying out .
9 They found it hard to understand what he saw in the boys he now surrounded himself with , some of whom seemed to the girls stupid and callow and bad at drawing .
10 The Korean communists at Yenan probably numbered about 300 , some of whom fought with the CCF .
11 Some of them swimming in the sea and whatnot .
12 Some of them hankered after the company of women , had wives in all but name , and found pleasure in fashionable clothing , drink , revelry and hunting .
13 interviews were taken on tours and I saw some of them go down the hill
14 However , according to eye-witnesses , at about 6am soldiers ordered the workers from the outbuilding where they lived , forced some of them to kneel on the ground and then shot them .
15 Recently we had the sorry spectacle of some of them voting against the progressive EC Social Chapter which is designed to improve the lot of the employee .
16 Many have good sight , but there are a few forms which have lost their eyes , some of them living in the lightless world of caves .
17 In 1688 some of them marched with the invading army of William of Orange to Salisbury where one of them decided to stay on as a small shopkeeper .
18 Between shows the girls dressed in sweatshirts and jogging shorts ; some of them stayed in the dressing rooms and stretched out to sleep or read , others went to another room in the basement complex where they could watch TV .
19 Some of them result from the need for text to be explicit in ways that speech need not be .
20 The Easter Course usually attracts a good number of Q.T 's , and it is hoped that we can use some of them to assist with the teaching .
21 Although this rank was that of a clerk , in the Constantian period it was applied to those officials who were responsible for the minutes of the imperial consistory and some of them rose to the highest ranks .
22 Some of them worked in the field , he understood , but these were the younger , smarter ones who had been trained as cipher clerks and radio operators , usually to serve a male agent .
23 Some of them sat on the grass , smoked cigarettes and watched the organizers ' bumbling attempts to set the rally in progress .
24 Some of them think of the most stupid thing to say do n't they ?
25 Note has been taken of these and some of them appear in the panel 's revision .
26 Some of them appear in the above list , for a hard line can not be drawn .
27 There were bits of cornland and thatched buildings all over the firmer ground and the slopes of the hill behind him , some of them fired by the early arrivals but many intact .
28 As the train slowed to a halt , he remembered other drivers , mostly some of the ‘ old hands ’ , talk about Bridge 173 and how some of them joked about the ‘ strange sightings ’ near it .
29 She told Richard a number of stories on the subject , some of them taken from the daily papers , and suggested that he might turn the matter over in his mind .
30 The remainder were in chains , some of which belonged to the national press undertakings .
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