Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 At her side , introducing her to people , encouraging her to elaborate on some of her ideas for the future , Luke was urbane , expressing only suave approval , and no one could have guessed at the personal contempt he felt for her , not a hint of it — or anything else personal either — allowed to show through his sophisticated public manner .
2 Perhaps , though , it was Pepper 's display which exposed some of their deficiencies for the impetus was created and maintained almost exclusively by the forwards , who dominated the lineout and drove magnificently .
3 Indeed , because of deficiencies , the Air Force has had to change some of its plans for the bomber and may have to dish out an extra $1 billion to correct the problems .
4 Last week it launched version 4 of the XPG portability guide and laid out some of its plans for the future .
5 In this paper I have outlined the Z-Score approach to financial analysis and some of its applications for the credit manager .
6 Our efforts at self-help have been much encouraged by the generosity of Mr Peter Leaver , Q.C. , Mr Samuel Stamler , Q.C. , and other members of Mr Stamler 's Chambers , who have undertaken to meet the cost ofthe Law Reports and some of our journals for the next five years .
7 But it might help your learners if they used some of your techniques for the first five or ten minutes of viewing .
8 I am worried by the enthusiasm of some of my constituents for the Bengal tiger and rare species in various parts of the world , while tending to disregard animals in our local habitats .
9 Neither of them talks for a moment .
10 Warranties : MiLAN warrants all of its products for a minimum of 1 to 5 years , depending on the type of product .
11 Secondly , the LEAs will be required to delegate many of their responsibilities for the management and control of the schools ' budget share , and for the appointment and dismissal of staff , to the governing bodies of the schools ( and of the larger colleges that remain under LEA control ) .
12 For many of the physical science students , the term ‘ physical science ’ referred to the specific course rather than to a wider discipline ; I therefore reserve many of their comments for a later section .
13 ‘ I came back because I felt I owed it to County Durham , many of my ideas for the book were inspired here , ’ he said .
14 By 0930 they were all in their coaches for the long journey back to Brighton , for that evening they all became civilians again and had to be ready for their ordinary jobs on Monday .
15 For full details of this scheme , please ask at any of our branches for a copy of the Midland Mortgage Endowment Plan leaflet and technical guide .
16 Then I told Springsteen not to invite any strangers in , or any of his friends for a party , put my flying jacket on and jogged downstairs to wind up Armstrong .
17 The terms are 225p cash a share — 20 times brokers ' 1992 earnings forecasts — but five of Worcester 's top managers , including chairman Cecil Duckworth , are exchanging most of their holdings for a 32 p.c. stake in the new Bosch subsidiary that will own the business .
18 So do n't , you get most of your marks for the first erm sort of twenty minutes writing usually unless your r I mean some of you might not get any marks at but I mean most of you will yeah you get most of your marks on the first twenty minutes .
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