Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] and [verb] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 The young woodlice hatch in this pouch and stay there for a while .
2 ‘ Adam Reed came on for the last half hour and did well for a 16-year-old . ’
3 ‘ Why do n't you just get out of this car and come inside for a long cool drink and a long cool swim and admit defeat ? ’
4 ‘ But I might just feign insanity some day and come back for another cup of that damned fine coffee . ’
5 When the US army discovered that Silver had been engaged in research work ( on Whitman ) he was put to personally testing the durability of uniforms , in sub-zero and boiling temperatures , artificial rain storms in laboratories and real tropical conditions in Florida : he soon became an assistant director of this project and stayed there for two years .
6 Then he suddenly remembered Sophia Ainger 's sister , the rather odd young woman he had met in Bloomsbury that evening and taken out for a drink .
7 Their venture had been from start to finish " planned by the woollen interests , financed from the profits of that trade and built predominantly for the needs of the woollen industry . "
8 Establishments were obviously catering for a different market in the evening , and it can be assumed that customers were prepared to spend more time and to pay more for a different ‘ meal experience ’ .
9 They are of two sorts — those which are an integral part of the book , printed on the same paper and gathered up for binding with the rest of the sections ( though they will usually be paged separately ) ; and leaves or sections printed separately , sometimes on different paper altogether , which may even be of a different size .
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