Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In the latter case , ‘ net property income from abroad ’ has to be added , where the term ‘ net property income from abroad ’ is equal to that income received by United Kingdom residents from the production of output by firms overseas minus that income paid to overseas residents from the production of output by domestic firms .
2 The protest in Tianjin was perhaps yet another indication of things to come over two years later when respect for the Party had declined still further and Deng Xiaoping had little support left among young intellectuals .
3 The visit to Osterlind 's neighbour Renoir is another story told with many variations .
4 Proteins are also macromolecules ; in this case compounded from molecular units called amino acids .
5 Below : The range of glass fibre tubing , in this case moulded in various colours .
6 The recreation hall is another building used by various organisations , renovated over the years from a building of First World War days ; it also houses a twice weekly library .
7 The reports of the amnestic effects of protein synthesis inhibitors were first ignored , often on the same sorts of a priori grounds that had led to my initial scepticism , and only after some struggle accepted by these definers of the field .
8 This building mirrored to Victorian eyes
9 I work out the odds against the cargo being lost , based on weather reports and piracy records for the last twenty years , then I add a bit , then you pay me some money based on those odds — ’
10 Geoffrey Dennis , an economist in the New York office of James Capel , a British securities firm , has tried to gauge the depth of this recession compared with previous ones , using the monthly indicators instead of GNP .
11 Another technique used in structured methodologies is the structure chart or diagram ( DeMarco , 1979 ) .
12 All patients in this study presented with gastrointestinal complaints .
13 The amount used in this study given in three doses , however , is small compared with the usual lazative dose of about 60 mmol .
14 The commission has had the significance of this research confirmed by independent analysts , which leaves a serious problem to be explained and solved .
15 He continues : ‘ The commission has had the significance of this research confirmed by independent analysts , which leaves a serious problem to be explained and solved . ’
16 In feeling , though not in detail , this stands closer perhaps to another figure known in many copies through which a really great original seems to shine : ‘ Amelung 's goddess ’ ( fig. 81 ) , after the scholar who reconstructed her from copies of the head ( known by a quaint tradition as ‘ Aspasia ’ ) and of the body , one with a Roman portrait-head .
17 This figure compared with 1,159 deaths reported in Jammu and Kashmir .
18 This plan failed on two counts .
19 The lands to the north and east of a line joining these two houses had in the ninth century been conquered and to some degree settled by pagan Scandinavians , who had destroyed the existing monasteries and several of the bishoprics , and such evidence as there is suggests that the Christianity practised within them retained aspects upon which the stricter kind of churchman would have frowned .
20 This attitude contributed to serious misjudgements in the immediate post-war period because it was not counteracted by radical institutional change as a result of the war .
21 In the present chapter , a brief account of the historical background to contemporary consumption will be followed by a resumé of some of the approaches to this issue found in various disciplines , one of which , the tradition stemming from Veblen 's work on goods as the expression of social differentiation , will be discussed in more detail .
22 Even in the first year , when fewer than a third of Leeds primary schools were involved in PNP , this requirement accounted for 760 teacher-days ; but from year to year , as more and more schools became involved and as roles proliferated , the investment of time increased until in the fourth year it stood at 2,035 teacher-days .
23 Although there is evidence to the contrary , another benefit attributed to general practitioners undertaking their own visits is that , through their familiarity with the situation , they are more selective in referring patients to hospital , and hospital costs are therefore reduced .
24 So how many gangs are you going to need , to get this job done in six hours ?
25 Now if I wanted this job done in six hours , how many men would I need ?
26 If I said , I want this job done in two hours .
27 They comment that the NIR , though a good indicator of moisture stress , is a relatively poor indicator of blight in this crop compared with other wavelengths .
28 Table 6 from their ‘ 1989 Based Population Projections for the Counties and District Health Authorities of Wales shows the projected net population change for this period split into various phases .
29 This service funded by National Advertisers is an addition to the normal TV channels .
30 This afternoon — I arrived in Salisbury at around three thirty — when I entered my address in her register as ‘ Darlington Hall ’ , I could see her look at me with some trepidation , assuming no doubt that I was some gentleman used to such places as the Ritz or the Dorchester and that I would storm out of her guest house on being shown my room .
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