Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [coord] [vb base] for the " in BNC.

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1 However , I must break that rule this morning and apologise for the fact that I have an extremely heavy cold , which will make the delivery of my speech a long process — and even longer for the House , which has to be detained in listening to it .
2 The cabinet 's current review of the tax now looks likely to heed this advice and go for the quick chop .
3 I should be grateful if you would look into this matter and arrange for the embankment to be tidied and the undergrowth trimmed back .
4 ‘ But I like to think that if I did n't do it , someone else would have done it with a lot less taste and love for the countryside . ’
5 examine that report and wait for the results of the erm public consultations .
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