Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [adv] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The number of voters missing in the Labour seats held by Ms Diane Abbott and Mr Brian Sedgemore is in each case about twice the size of their majority .
2 The press releases tells me that most of the aforementioned highlights were written in the studio during the actual recording of this album so maybe the follow-up will be considerably more assured and even-handed .
3 From my point of view , we had originally hoped to progress this proposal just over a year ago when spare money became available , but unfortunately , the bureaucratic process and conservatism of the people involved prevented us from doing this in time .
4 Er all of us go to a shop of some sort pretty well every day .
5 In Practice once one side thinks that the opposing party holds this objective Firmly then the other feels no need to hold as well .
6 I had no idea whether I was into it myself , but for some reason just then the idea seemed rather intriguing .
7 In this way very soon every child can join in the work of the class .
8 ‘ It is at this stage very much a statement of intent . ’
9 If if you as a panel conclude that the information erm is inadequate , clearly er on that basis then then a suggestion would have to be made as to one how this matter can be progressed .
10 He had done so four years before , and nothing had happened in the meantime either to abate his ambition or to make him less qualified — in the latter case very much the reverse .
11 If they were looking for more cancer then surely the place to look was at the next vulnerable point ?
12 Some years later he and Dudek parted company ; the former being too much the evangelist-propagandist for the ‘ pure ’ scholar .
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