Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [adv] [verb] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It may be doubted , for example , that a single act could give rise to a sensation of harassment ; it would be an unusual use of language to say that a person was harassing another by a single act ( such as a wolf whistle ) , since that term generally connotes an element of persistence .
2 This finding also provides an explanation for the fact that faecal bile acid excretion in patients with liver disease is comparable with control subjects .
3 This Update also includes an article on the restructuring of the SCOTVEC verification system .
4 The level of Norse and French influence is equal in terms of a simple count of loanwords — about thirty words adopted from each language are found in Dame Sirith — but the presence of Scandinavian loanwords is dialectally more diagnostic , in this case again confirming an East Midland origin .
5 Yet this formulation still has an implication which Bentham would not really have accepted .
6 The sight of this ghost usually indicates an outbreak of fever or disease close by .
7 This car also contained an office for the doctors and a store for linen .
8 This session also provides an opportunity to look at cultural bias and racism in materials .
9 The emphasis is very much on continuity rather than radical reform , and despite the daunting complexity and forbidding pervasiveness of the law regulating every aspect of welfare in German social work practice , this Act also represents an acknowledgement that German social work practice particularly in relation to children and young people has managed to develop highly creatively and run ahead of the bureaucracy .
10 This event also provides an opportunity to break away from our dependence on fossil fuels and start encouraging an international energy policy that supports alternative energy sources and reduces the threat of contamination .
11 Another cosmid has been co-identified by ICRF-YAC 900H04158 ( 450 kb ) containing the D21S55 sequence ; this YAC also detected an ERG cosmid ( RLDB ) .
12 This cliff already has an aid climb , The Lid , which , if it were to go free would be very hard indeed .
13 This approach thus represents an extension of the hierarchical system and can be considered to simplify down to such a system when each of the superior states are considered in turn .
14 I only ask as this message also had an error and came via the postmaster …
15 This model also has an eleven-screw , three-ply mock-tortoiseshell scratchplate , chromed control plate with volume and tone rotaries plus jack socket , and a small individual metal plate on the lower horn area of the scratchplate containing the later version 's four slide switches , more of which later .
16 This duty also prevents an employee from taking advantage of any approach which is initiated by a customer or supplier even though the employee did not seek or even encourage it , as happened in Sanders ' case .
17 This motion also creates an opportunity for the union , our union , the members ' union , to encourage young members , members and branch activists to take on the role of branch administration officers within the regions we represent here today and gain experience in an area of trade union work that they thought might never have , have existed .
18 This idea immediately offered an explanation of the inhibitory in vivo effect of nucleoside analogues such as 5-azacytidine ( 7 , 8 ) or 5-fluoro-2'-deoxycytidine ( 8 ) on DNA methylation .
19 This survey also showed an intention to change which reflected the intensity of public scrutiny in the period after the Act .
20 A ‘ church ’ in this context really means an organisation which has acquired , in addition to the trappings of ritual and mysticism with which it seeks to impress its followers , all the nature of a corporate business with all the appurtenances , paid staff , premises and property which is appropriate to a public company .
21 This photograph , of a doctor , was one that had been taken some time previously to illustrate an article on long hours worked by junior doctors .
22 It has been suggested that Methodism generally produced an attitude of mind and sense of resignation as well as the habits of order and " industry " which combined to reinforce in the proletariat the necessary submission to the disciplinary imperatives of industrial capitalism .
23 Such training often has an emphasis on features such as style and quality rather than mere speed of activity .
24 The panel of forecasters polled by The Economist each month currently has an average forecast of only 0.8% growth in Japan .
25 ‘ Forget the picnic — there must be enough food here to feed an army ! ’
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