Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [to-vb] the [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although we have little opportunity to meet the participants socially , there is very little sense of social barrier , and I wonder what all these western myths about the ‘ inscrutable Chinese ’ mean .
2 And I think we 've got to remember that a local authority is not funded from money that grows on trees , it is funded by the electorate and we , as Councillors , have a duty to that electorate to spend the money wisely .
3 I propose that honourable members of this council er would not wish to be associated with such a disgraceful campaign to oust councillor , even if he does have strongly held views and I would like to give councillor as chairman of the environment committee , this opportunity to set the record straight on that point .
4 Last night , he gave himself another opportunity to set the record straight with a gutsy 9–7 win against Scotland 's Alan McManus .
5 ( b ) Draw back the spent punch , using this action to bring the knee forwards and up .
6 We must look for a way of establishing a relationship between the key of the record and its address , and using this relationship to retrieve the record rapidly .
7 The Polytechnic was anxious to ensure , however , that its commitments to diploma and other work were not overshadowed by the CNAA departure ( and it is important in this respect to remember the fears nationally of colleges of art entering into polytechnic amalgamations ) .
8 But it is quite another thing to see the truth clearly and wilfully to reject it ; quite another thing to ascribe the power of the Holy Spirit to the devil — which is what the scribes were doing .
9 From the small paved area near the house a path leads down one side of the garden , giving access to the rotary drier and flanking the small lawn that is built up from a strong flowing curve , this helping to lead the eye away from those rectangular boundaries .
10 BRITISH turkey producers are intent on breaking out of their Christmas and Easter straitjacket and aim to spend about £250,000 this year to make the product less boring .
11 There was only one thing to do ; light another fire to drive the snake away .
12 She says the adult birds ca n't be trusted at this stage to hatch the eggs properly .
13 The project review dates are indicated by a vertical dotted line , and at this time a horizontal line is drawn beneath each bar to indicate the progress actually made up to that date .
14 The project review dates are indicated by a vertical dotted line , and at this time a horizontal line is drawn beneath each bar to indicate the progress actually made up to that date .
15 They need as much training to do the job effectively .
16 The attorney agreed with Haydon about the injustice of the proceedings , and told him to return that evening to settle the matter finally .
17 Not only does this give the manager more opportunity to spend the amount much more quickly , but it also takes it out of the accountant 's hands : accountants decide when cash is paid but managers and suppliers decide when invoices are issued .
18 By the author 's own assertion it is not a final statement , but a reference on which to build , enabling practice and yet more practice to lead the way ahead for safe glacier travel .
19 Faith was done with old-fashioned equipment ; we needed more equipment to do the water-crossings ahead .
20 From the parking area above , you can easily walk down at either end of the crag , but it 's much more fun to follow the path leftwards and make a free 25 metres abseil through the blow-hole in the roof of the enormous cave of Baume Percée .
21 Is there no way you can adopt a a a more way to utilize the men rather than .
22 Winds will remain light and variable , and this will allow all that sunshine to warm the air nicely , temperatures getting up to a comfortable ten or eleven celsius , that 's fifty or fifty fahrenheit .
23 There had never been enough money to dress the child properly and even if there had been they did n't have the style or the know-how .
24 Anyway , he had given her enough money to have the baby comfortably ; and she had already made up her mind that she was n't going to have it adopted .
25 Following Barr 's ruling , Judge Marvin H. Shoob , who had presided over a criminal case arising from the BNL affair , criticized the Attorney General on the grounds that plea bargaining within the case had denied any opportunity to probe the affair fully and had left unanswered numerous crucial questions concerning the government 's role .
26 It found no increased prevalence in the Forth Valley , nor any association to link the cases there .
27 ‘ If a driver knows that any attempt to overtake the car ahead of him will risk a fine or disqualification , then he will not try , ’ the Austrian said .
28 Then Mozart would supply the publisher Hoffmeister with a series of compositions which would bring him enough revenue to repay the debt over two years .
29 There was little in the report to offer investors any incentive to assess the company more favouarbly .
30 On the other hand , if the member of parliament was induced to solicit for the removal of an acting officer , any failure to arrange the question satisfactorily would be taken in his constituency as a failure of political interest in London and evidence of a lack of effective power , which again could prove damaging at the next general election .
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