Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because log-normal distributions follow linear trends on the cumulative probability plot he considered each segment to represent a separate sub-population whose character was determined by the dynamics of transport : traction , saltation and suspension .
2 An important feature of this study was the use of the daily prices of call options on the outstanding contracts for each index to calculate the implicit market estimates of the subsequent price volatility for each of the outstanding contracts .
3 Each subject was asked to use each technique to solve a simple problem , having two constraints and one objective .
4 When the diagnosis of the illness is made , think around your clients and your relatives , because that opportunity to generate the financial security and the friends you need , is threatened by the guilt .
5 If he is , attack while he is rising because then he will have little opportunity to launch a powerful counter-attack .
6 I would capture a fresh wasp that afternoon to use the following morning .
7 An alternative to attempting to deal with such matters by a policy of continuous and possibly unsettling adjustment ( by moving departments and personnel around ) would be to allow each branch to become a separate partnership under the aegis of a superimposed managing firm .
8 It took very little ingenuity to transform an ordinary bone conductor type of National Health hearing-aid and to attach a metal ring to the receiver so that it could be worn like an ordinary ring .
9 All this is followed meticulously if at a respectful distance by Doolittle 's seven-piece band , written for with a sure ear for tonal balance and a strong sense of the orchestra 's role as a virtual extension of the voice , but with little willingness to let the musical idea take over the action .
10 2 × 40 minute Video Cassettes , divided into a total of 8 episodes , with a review section at the end of each episode to reinforce the essential language points
11 It 's easy to get set yourself and with heated curlers , tongs and styling products better than ever before , all you need is a little practice to create the perfect style .
12 ‘ They ( the reforms ) have been cobbled together too quickly and with too little attention paid to genuine consultation , too little attempt to build the necessary consensus . ’
13 There has been very little attempt to produce an adequate framework for monitoring and evaluating such initiatives .
14 He listed various possible causes — defective machines , careless workmanship , poor supervision , faulty lab tests — and asked the head of each department to identify the main cause of waste in their own area .
15 What was needed was that intention to make a legal act should be expressed ; this then had to be taken to be charged on the heir as trustee , since in that way the principle of benefit could be satisfied .
16 No. 55 was chosen for trials and a top cover only covering the saloon was fitted and had six windows each side to match the lower saloon .
17 It is designed to help each applicant to make an informed decision before applying for a particular programme of study .
18 I should like to take this opportunity to thank the vast majority of our shareholders who have clearly recognized Palatine 's potential and have remained unimpressed by the attempted takeover .
19 Will he also use this opportunity to give a categorical pledge that under no circumstances will he lift the ceiling on national insurance contributions , because that would , in effect , claw back the extra pay that teachers gained yesterday ?
20 Will he take this opportunity to give a categorical assurance that none of the agencies will be allowed or encouraged to derecognise any of the civil service trade unions ?
21 On the same day the Israeli embassy in Washington stated that the decision would " enhance and promote the peace process " by encouraging " those Palestinians seeking peace with Israel to seize upon this opportunity to begin a direct dialogue with Israel " .
22 On balance it is well worthwhile for the voluntary organizations to seize this opportunity to play a fuller role .
23 It is important that the people of Northern Ireland take this opportunity to play a major part in deciding the future pattern of government in the area .
24 And so it seems self-evident that the subject of language should also draw on a cognate disciplinary source even though it happens in this case to have the different name of linguistics .
25 Will my right hon. Friend take time this afternoon to watch the recent interview by Mr. David Frost , which revealed the success of the Government 's health service provisions , and also that the Opposition 's figures are totally bogus ?
26 But before taking the action some members will begin a vigil in Cardiff this afternoon to give the Welsh Language Education Committee ( PDAG ) one last chance not to co-operate with what they claim are the Government 's education ‘ quangos . ’
27 MANCHESTER United skipper Bryan Robson will be standing by this afternoon to make a sensational comeback against Torpedo Moscow .
28 I do n't understand this bit to pay a basic award of compensation following an order .
29 Retrace this route to rejoin the main leisure route .
30 It was as if the Party had failed in this instance to honour the tacit bargain and had allowed heavy-handed politics to intrude seriously upon fun .
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