Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [verb] out [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 This conception arises out of a ‘ distinct but recurring type of historical situation in which a fundamental challenge is directed at established institutions and in which the supporters of those institutions employ conservative ideology in their defense ’ .
2 The practice of using the passage of years since the birth of Christ as a numbering system had its genesis in some work carried out by a monk , Dionysius Exiguus , in AD525 .
3 This work arose out of a project in which a sample survey program was written specifically for use by developing countries .
4 Another can shot out with a clunk .
5 Another tentacle shot out like a whip and coiled around his throat , choking him .
6 This article arises out of a research project on the ‘ Identification of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties : Participant perspectives ’ , funded by the Economic and Social Research Council , Research Grant No .
7 It is verbal irony when some character comes out with a statement or a choice of words which have a meaning to those in the know , either within the text or outside it , that is significantly different or even contradictory to that which the character may be supposed to have in mind .
8 In the process of overtaking a lorry , a woman crashed into another lorry reversing out of a side turning .
9 This man went out with a pouch and gathered up owl-pellets , which he labelled , and later , took apart with forceps , bathed in glass beakers of various cleansing fluids , ordering and rearranging the orts and fragments of the owl 's compressed package of bone , tooth and fur , in order to reconstitute the dead shrew or slow-worm which had run , died , and made its way through owl-gut .
10 This project grew out of a previous ESRC funded study , ‘ Participation in Higher Education ’ ( HR 6846 ) and will build upon the findings of that study .
11 A plan for Greater London was also commissioned , this time carried out by a small team led by Abercrombie .
12 This agreement grew out of a proposal put forward by Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev as a compromise between the demands for individual states ' armies and unified CIS conventional forces .
13 The idea for this workshop came out of a realisation that Modularity was very much back on the agenda in a wide variety of institutions .
14 My Lords , this appeal arises out of a memorandum of agreement dated 19 December 1930 and said to have created a lease for a term which was not limited to expire by effluxion of time and can not now be determined by the landlord .
15 In an action under the law of England and Wales or the law of Northern Ireland for damages for personal injuries ( including any such action arising out of a contract ) any saving to the injured person which is attributable to his maintenance wholly or partly at public expense in a hospital , nursing home or other institution shall be set off against any income lost by him as a result of his injuries .
16 My wig was swinging from the hooks on the charm bracelet , my orange hair tumbled over my face like a pound of grapes in an egg-cup and one shoe-less leg stuck out of a semi-detached dress .
17 It 's known that the Migs approached each other coming out of a loop at a combined speed of about 300 miles per hour , in an area to the north east of the main spectator section at Fairford .
18 The VWA , one of five Dutch sado-masochism associations , is recommending stricter fire safety regulations because ‘ people who are handcuffed or tied up need more time to get out of a building ’ .
19 Each call sent out by a client has to wait for a response before another is sent .
20 Each call sent out by a client has to wait for a response before another is sent .
21 There 's no cover , and — as happened to me — any stranger sticks out like a sore thumb .
22 ( 3 ) When granting a licence , a licensing board may attach to the licence any condition set out in a byelaw by virtue of paragraph ( 1 ) of subsection ( 1 ) above .
23 However , since an Enforcement Notice has to be confirmed by the Secretary of State who is required to have a hearing , and since compensation is payable for any loss arising out of a Stop Notice , if the notice is quashed because the development is authorised or does not require planning permission , unauthorised development can , and does , go on unpenalised for a very long time .
24 And then he withdrew , closing the door after him , and went to his own room to stretch out for a while .
25 I later witnessed exactly the same procedure carried out in a Budapest café with such leisurely incompetence , that everything was completely waterlogged before they began .
26 She has dealt with a dead passenger in Poland ( his widow carried on regardless ) , outbreaks of war in India , and breaking her own leg falling out of a rickshaw in Nepal .
27 ( 2 ) ( 1 ) above is without prejudice to any duty arising out of a collateral relationship such as bank and customer : see the undisputed liability in negligence in Midland Bank Plc.
28 If , however , we are unable to resolve any dispute arising out of a complaint than the complaint may be referred to Arbitration under a special scheme devised by arrangement with the Association of British Travel Agents but administered independently by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators .
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