Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What remains possible , however , is that differentiation occurs alongside the associative processes .
2 Only after knowing what our target is can we go on and set a transfer price that encourages each division to operate at the required volume .
3 But in the total picture if you take what a , any , an average American state spends and you ask the question what proportion of that money comes from the federal government , the answer is wait for it , the answer is about twenty percent .
4 Vigilance is certainly required that funding allocated for the public good should not be siphoned off into private firms .
5 Nevertheless , the Templars continued meeting in secret , each coven acting like a small community , the mysteries of the Order being passed from one generation to another . ’
6 So , in fact , had that decision gone to the main committee , or is it going , is it coming here now .
7 they are not referenced by an active DC for that user activated through the containing package
8 Only one copy of Section 1 needs to be filled in , but ideally separate copies of Sections 2 , 3 and 4 should be filled in for each course taught in the appropriate field .
9 The bridge was complete , the air blowers on each rig whined as the remaining air bags were inflated for additional buoyancy , and footwalk posts and ropes were installed .
10 It is from the chaos of spontaneous analogizing that creativity breaks into the ordered by closed realm of analytic thinking .
11 This is because each hair consists of a sharp , hollow spine , the walls of which contain silica , making them glass-like and brittle .
12 The gentlemen in Virginia were in no position to do this ; they had very little money to spend in a gentlemanly way and no particular experience of colonization to give them any other claims to respect and obedience , as nothing got done and about 60 of the 100 initial settlers died in 1607 .
13 Each crypt consists of a superficial , longitudinal segment and a sonvoluted deep segment , the second usually appearing in transverse or oblique view on cut sections .
14 A similar objection to utilitarianism urged by Williams , Alasdair MacIntyre and others is that utilitarianism goes with a manipulative approach to human life .
15 The history of that provision and its abolition demonstrates clearly that income arising in an overseas company which is , for instance , owned by an overseas trust , is not income arising under a settlement for the purposes of TA 1988 , Part XV , Chapters III and IV or indeed any of the other provisions of Part XV .
16 There is thus a slight caveat on the point but subject to exceptional circumstances it is felt that taxpayers can now safely assume that income arising in an underlying company which is owned by the overseas trust can not be caught by Part XV of TA 1988 .
17 Each level borrows from a different mythology , starting in Graeco-Roman hell ( Hades to the classical scholars ) .
18 And , of course , each level climaxes with a big supervillain .
19 Most social historians have tended to stick with Raymond Williams 's argument and have been reluctant to give up the notion that what was most lively and energetic in all that variety came from the working class .
20 That direction corresponded with the earlier bearings for the green splotch of life signs .
21 Since 1982 the government has made twenty-nine changes to the way in which the unemployed are counted , each change resulting in a downward shift in the number said to be unemployed .
22 Each trial consisted of a visual warning ( two arrowheads indicated the subject should attend to a particular area of the screen ) , a series of digits ( varying in length from 1 to 6 digits ) presented at a rate of 1.2 seconds per digit , a gap of 2 seconds , and finally a probe digit .
23 The latter would be called a subjective budget and would list items in headings such as buildings , staff , rent , rates , capitation , in terms of the total spent in each category , rather than show how part of each category related to a particular programme .
24 Rain said , exasperated , that each route led to the same point and that meant back to the Tunisian .
25 The pro-Europeans and sceptics — each camp backed by an ex-Prime Minister — went into battle .
26 At present the science curriculum is structured around physical science interests , on which boys are keener ( how motor cars work , atoms and molecules ) ; we were able to recommend that teaching build on the overlapping interests of the two sexes , because girls as well as boys want to know more about human biology and spectacular features of the environment ( animals in the jungle , volcanoes and earthquakes , acids and chemicals ) .
27 That Parliament relied on the Ministerial statements is shown by the fact that the matter was never raised again after the discussions in Committee , that amendments were consequentially withdrawn and that no relevant amendment was made which could affect the correctness of the minister 's statement .
28 The women there will tell you how all those jobs are defined by low pay in many cases , by low status , by very little opportunity to move into the high grades .
29 Neither constraint applies to the Tertiary College where adults and part-time students make up a sizable proportion of the student population .
30 This is the same statement which brings into play a totally different set of reactions in each case owing to the different perspectives .
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