Example sentences of "[det] [be] [adv] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 This is not the way to the ladies room in the Kingshouse Hotel .
2 This is not the way to the ladies room in the Kingshouse Hotel either .
3 This is not the way to the Mercury Garden , ’ it announced .
4 This is not the way to Sleep of the Just , ’ it said .
5 But this is not the concourse to the train platforms .
6 This is not the moment to .
7 This is not the answer to which the study of the New Testament leads .
8 This is not the path to Ben Nevis . ’
9 This is not the time to be thinking about what the chief instructor is going to think or say .
10 This is not the time to subject me to some kind of general knowledge quiz … or to make love to me , although heaven knows I 'd like you to .
11 The profits contribution from the Famous Grouse brand held steady , but sales of new and mature whisky to other distillers for blending purposes fell , as the industry reduced supply in line with the fall in demand , and this is where the damage to profits took place .
12 Over and above that , obviously this is where the advantage to the policy holder comes in because obviously if they get a gearbox problem that 's going to cost , say , a hundred and eighty pounds in six months time , they 're not going to be able to go back to the dealer and say look I want you to put this right for me , because obviously it is outside the statutory guarantee .
13 A scheme to slow down traffic in the area has already been agreed by the County Council , but Chairman of the District Council , Ken Hall , says ‘ this is n't the end to all the problems ’ .
14 But with United still bottom of the Second Division and staring relegation in the face , the editor of the club 's fanzine says this is n't the time to be selling star players .
15 This is actually the sequel to Flight of the Old Dog in which the hero Luger is resurrected .
16 This is hardly the conclusion to be drawn from reading the research of such scientists as Professor Donald Broom of Cambridge University , who has studied sows kept in confined conditions .
17 This is really the key to getting the economy stabilised but the Chancellor did n't have the courage of his convictions to do it .
18 This is how the gardens to the east of the palace looked before the present duke 's grandfather created the Italian gardens , and at the opposite end of the palace — this was the scene before today 's water terraces were built .
19 This was not the climax to a corny B-film .
20 He had a sudden fear that this was not the Charleroi to Brussels road .
21 Whatever had happened in the past , this was not the time to be aloof , Ashley thought , as she allowed him to lead her away .
22 But this was not the prelude to surrounding the new king with the duke 's own men .
23 But this was not the prelude to surrounding the new king with the duke 's own men .
24 He caught a cold on his way to Tangiers which affected his left lung , but this was merely the prelude to what became an unfortunate trip .
25 That is n't the way to be sorry for people — to make them conspicuous .
26 That is why the surface to weight and volume ratio , so often neglected in discussions of animal biology , is important .
27 That is precisely the background to the study which was conducted by the four chiefs of defence staff , they were asking that kind of question and I 'll now ask the Group Captain to respond .
28 That 's where the land to be sold with the villa finishes , the gardens and paddock and this one meadow .
29 That 's where the secret to all of this lies . ’
30 I do n't intend to give the council a to solving the world 's problems and that 's not the word to mind but problems .
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