Example sentences of "[det] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So is Charles Aught , that rather camp man in advertising , who writes poems and art-criticism , and whose correspondence with his fellow-critic Elwyn West was auctioned at Sotheby 's and fetched £25 .
2 Well it erm goes under that rather queer name in fact it is the association of British universities .
3 Hastings Castle is forever connected with that most famous date in history , 1066 .
4 Judging from the trends illustrated in Figs. 1–4 , environmental organisations have prospered greatly from this apparently self-interested shift in public opinion .
5 Often brilliantly executed it is doubtful whether this highly visual approach in fact penetrated close to the heart of Orwell 's flinty masterpiece in the way that a more transential approach might have .
6 If a diabetic patient was in need of so-called ‘ balance ’ — namely , the appropriate injection of human insulin for the control of blood-sugar levels — equally so did Morse require the occasional balance of some mildly erotic fancy in order to meet the demands of what until recently he had diagnosed as a reasonably healthy libido .
7 Ironically , it was within this more sober mood in school education that the British Government initiated a bold new technological experiment .
8 A student has to be versatile enough to evade an attack by stepping , hopping or jumping to the side , while slipping into another more advantageous position in order to counter-strike .
9 This fairly small increase in product wage growth underestimates the increased pressures to scrap ( and thus the extent of overaccumulation ) for two reasons .
10 Jack de Bie 's playing is rhythmically alive , thoughtful and passionate as required , with some particularly sensitive pedalling in evidence .
11 We therefore would need to do some quite careful accounting in order to make sure that we did n't contravene that erm , the , the requirement of the Trustee Investment Act in the future .
12 Another potentially troublesome difference in perspective between presidents and members of the legislature arises from the separation of powers .
13 Some very early work in AI attempted to model parallel processing , but the machines available were so primitive that little was learnt from this exercise .
14 We are also able to fund this year this very substantial increase in pupil numbers .
15 Thank you once again Sheila for making this very kind gesture in memory of your late husband , Mack .
16 They discussed the rudiments of the Charleston , that still over-sophisticated exercise in dancing , a world apart from the slow foxtrot and not yet a familiar of Irish Hunt Balls .
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