Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Those grant-maintained schools are using that money effectively for the benefit of the school and , more importantly , of improving education for the pupils attending those schools .
2 Tying all that money up in the house .
3 They 're obliged to charge us a certain amount for access , but they 're talking about giving us that money back as a grant .
4 To Branson , paying tax was ‘ a waste of money ’ when you could plough that money back into the company .
5 on the Wednesday when , when I go and get your erm , get your money out the bank maybe I 'm gon na pay poll tax , Billy pay for it until I get that money out on the Wednesday
6 If he pays in first and then has to make an interim payment and he wants to make that payment out of the money in court , he must ask specifically for leave to do so and also to amend his notice of payment in so as to refer to the fact that some of the money has been paid out .
7 She needed a little experience here in the provinces first , of course , just enough to give her finesse and confidence , not too much so that she became jaded , and then …
8 Example 2:1 Parcels clause of office suite ALL THAT suite of rooms on the floor of the building known as ( excluding the outer faces of the walls enclosing the said building and its roof and roof structure but including the structure supporting the floor of the said rooms ) and for the purpose of identification only edged in red on the attached plan Example 2:2 Parcels clause of open land ALL THAT parcel of land in and numbered on the Ordnance Map ( 1968 edition ) for the said district a copy of which is attached hereto ( including the entirety of the hedge and ditch on the western boundary of enclosure number but excluding the entirety of the hedges and ditches on the northern boundaries of the said enclosures and the entirety of the road on the southern boundaries thereof ) Example 2:3 Parcels clause of building excluding airspace ALL THAT building known as shown edged red on the attached plan but excluding the airspace lying above the existing roof of that building together with a right for the tenant with or without workmen to enter that airspace for the sole purpose of inspecting the building or carrying out any works for which the tenant is liable under this lease Example 2:4 Parcels clause with details of boundaries ALL THAT the floor of the building known as ( " the property " ) including ( i ) all non-loadbearing walls situated wholly within the red edging on the attached plan ( ii ) one half ( severed vertically ) of all non-loadbearing walls separating the property from any other part of the building ( iii ) all plaster or other decorative finish applied to any wall bounding the property and not included in paragraphs ( i ) or ( ii ) above or applied to any column or loadbearing wall within the property ( iv ) the whole of all doors door frames windows window frames ( including mastic joints or seals ) bounding the property ( v ) all ceilings bounding the property and any void between any suspended ceiling and the structural slat above ( vi ) all floor finishes and floor screeds including raised floors and floor jacks supporting such floors ( vii ) all light fittings and air conditioning units incorporated in any ceiling but not any other part of the air conditioning system
9 probably in that building there at the back
10 is that building anywhere near the site ?
11 Okay Trevor well let's get that that that hurdle out of the way and say you and I agree that .
12 ‘ So the beat constable should go down that lane once in every hour , ’ he remarked .
13 Then , spontaneously , Changez pushed himself up and danced with them , lifting each foot ponderously from the floor like a performing elephant , and sticking his elbows out as if he 'd been asked , in a drama class , to be a flamingo .
14 ‘ When father opened an account for me in that branch just across the river from the hospital in my P.T.S. days he advised me , if possible , never to move my account .
15 Reminding Management of diurnal enuresis has been attempted with initially asking the parent to remind the child regularly when to go to the lavatory and gradually pass that responsibility on to the child .
16 When auditors give qualified reports , they should refer to all material matters about which they have reservations , giving their reasons in each case together with a quantification of its effect on the financial statements if this is both relevant and practicable .
17 Now , now not not that part there at the bottom .
18 They really do n't seem to want to have that part closed off but that part along by the river and that seemed to be almost entirely er satisfactory to everybody and er Chairman fenced off one or two other people quite well .
19 Erm I do n't know I do n't yo I , I think possibly having that foot up on the stool was perhaps a mistake .
20 That 's the only one that ever I remembered but they were all , and they you know they , they used to graze their horses up there in that field up at the top , and this Billy that used to go round all the district and , and buy up all these old cast horses and bring them up there until he had a consignment gathered up .
21 ‘ He was in that car down on the promenade .
22 Devon Loch had appeared to take off right by the water jump , which the runners on the second circuit of the Grand National by-pass as they approach the winning post : had he caught that fence out of the corner of his eye and tried to jump it ?
23 She had hoped , as women do , that living together for a time would break down his coldness .
24 From the point down to the stern of the boat and then there was a hole in there like that cut out of the wood .
25 The increasing though still very minimal panicipation of women in managerial , technical and higher professional occupations within the corporation has already attracted a good deal of attention , but there is little research specifically on the phenomenon of the female salariat in TNCs in the Third World ( see Garnsey and Paukert , 1987 , pp.57–67 ) .
26 But it 's that side away from the river , you know , I I ca n't link it with the river .
27 Hunter brought the captain 's little boat round under the cabin window , and Joyce and I put guns and food and my medicine chest in it .
28 ( Contemporaries accepted that violence even within the heart of the family might be a cruel necessity . )
29 Since there is only one opening the base has a simple podium on each side instead of a series of pedestals .
30 For a square or rectangle , just press each side on to the cake .
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