Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [adv] [verb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some accounts also suggest that these waves swept over the low-lying parts of St Pierre , near the waterfront , causing some damage and casualties .
2 Paul 's penchant for ‘ diplomatic ’ solutions of this kind also meant that many Council texts remained ambivalent .
3 This case also indicates that one of the main heads of liability in the Sunday Times case , namely improper public pressure on a party to proceedings , has survived the 1981 Act .
4 This case now establishes that such covenants will run with the land and that it is only necessary for the lease to provide that the expression " the landlord " includes its successors in title .
5 Data from this study also show that some people do retain relationships which they use for confiding and support , especially with their mothers , and this is regarded as appropriate , especially for women to get support with concerns that essentially are ‘ women 's business , .
6 We have previously shown that adduct levels in DNA extracted from gastric cancers are higher in smokers than non-smokers and this study therefore suggests that smoking related adducts may be found in non-neoplastic as well as neoplastic mucosa .
7 This figure also illustrates that other interest , in problems which scarcely seem to have presented themselves to sculptors in the rest of Greece : alike in the patterns discoverable in the pull and hang of clothes , and in the relation of clothes to the body beneath .
8 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
9 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
10 Bathing , for instance , had to be forbidden along the fashionable coastline ; some ecologists even suggested that Estonian drinking water was so polluted it could be set on fire !
11 I was at one point some years ago told that more money 's invested in pigeon racing than in horse racing .
12 the security contracts that have covered Wakefield , Drury and Norwich Houses for some years now show that this is an effective method of providing security to Stamford and Rennie House . ’ .
13 Scientific studies carried out a few years ago revealed that regular sunbed users ( those using a bed more than once a week over a period of a few years ) now have a condition called skin fragility syndrome .
14 Economists and politicians are already celebrating the disappearance of these huge external imbalances — even those who only a few years ago claimed that current-account deficits did not matter .
15 Er another scripture here to suggest whether this , this is on the same sort of er apart from that 's it , chapter thirteen and Luke
16 Some haematologists thus believe that all blood should be routinely filtered , and something like four million filters were used in the United States last year .
17 This evidence also suggest that cellular memory can exist in the absence of synapses — ie that destroying the connections between cells does not destroy the actual information stored ( remembered ) within the cell .
18 Some people fondly believe that chess-playing computers work by internally trying out all possible combinations of chess moves .
19 ‘ For many of us the natural beauty of much of Dyfed 's countryside remains undisputed , though few people nowadays accept that this will always be so , regardless of economic or other pressures , ’ said Mr Bown .
20 Proponents of this definition often assume that criminal law is closely related to the consensus , although they accept that law may be tardy in reacting to changing attitudes .
21 ‘ The horrible nature of this attack only underlines that these are the sort of people whom all democrats oppose . ’
22 Some critics also argue that any qualification of economic determinism threatens the distinctiveness of Marxism .
23 Although her views are still regarded as highly eccentric outside reactionary conservative and fascist circles , it is interesting to note that some historians now argue that secret societies like the IRA and the Mafia have indeed played a significant role in world events , and that the Illuminati conspiracy in the 1780s was truly a model for future revolutionary organization .
24 Some Euro-cynics even suspect that American companies may deliberately seek to lure naive European competitors into the eagle 's nest .
25 Some commentators also note that many directors of small companies might well refuse to provide their auditors with the proposed statement and the supporting evidence ; if this proves to be correct , it will result in a significant increase in the number of limitation of scope qualifications .
26 Some commentators now believe that these forecasts underestimate the benefits to trade .
27 Critics of this view variously suggest that Socialist propensity to ‘ violence ’ anticipated that of the right ; that unnecessary enemies for the Republic were created by anticlericalism and , in general , too narrow a view on the part of the left as to what constituted acceptable ‘ Republican ’ values , credentials and behaviour ; and that the CEDA , a potentially Christian Democratic party which might have evolved in a genuinely democratic direction , was actually forced rightwards by the conduct of the left .
28 Such policies usually mean that long-term potential will be neglected , and will result ‘ in the inability of the scientist to furnish the long-time and deep-lying developments on which the community as a whole … ultimately depends ’ .
29 Such confirmations merely indicate that some theory that was well established and regarded as unproblematic has been successfully applied once again .
30 It warns that few such publications actually exist and that order forms apparently offering ‘ free entry ’ to the directory contravene the Unsolicited Goods and Services Act and are therefore not legally enforceable documents in this country .
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