Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Raoult 's law is a useful starting point and defines an ideal solution as one in which the activity of each component in a mixture a i is equal to its mole fraction x i .
2 That afternoon in the Chamber the article was referred to in a question exchange .
3 For each episode of the video the Activity Book has :
4 That 's where the blood leads by , okay , on that side of the heart the left hand side of the heart it 's being pumped and therefore the muscle is a bigger muscle , that 's doing the contracting , the blood push out and it relaxes back again and that allows the blood to be sucked back down into the heart , okay , and the next time it 's shh , that goes out and then it relaxes down again and the blood sucks back down into the heart , okay so that 's what it does , all the muscle can do is that , muscle can only retract and then it relaxes , contract and then it relaxes , that 's what the heart 's doing all the time , how many beats a minute ?
5 Disturbing the Ritual : The adventurers can do this simply by stepping into the circle and attacking the Vampire and his minion , but the circle offers them some protection by the time the adventurers attack : treat Maximilian and Juliane as having 1 AP , all locations , and +10 bonuses to their I scores while within the circle .
6 Perhaps the least interesting is the possibility that the change of context modifies the way in which the CS is perceived , either because of some change in the physical nature of the signal ( the properties of an auditory cue , for instance , are likely to change according to the shape of the space in which it is presented ) or because there is some change in the way the cue impinges on the animal ( if different contexts promote different patterns of orienting behaviour , the same cue , defined physically , may be experienced differently in the contexts ) .
7 But that would be to introduce into this branch of the law an element of uncertainty which I , for one , would regard as undesirable .
8 In many cases it obviously would be and if there was any element of duress brought on the other contracting party under the modern development of this branch of the law the proposed breaker of the contract would not benefit .
9 I do not know what consideration had been given to a prosecution of the defendants in this case at the time the letter was written .
10 With more than 12500 restaurants in 60 countries , a new Mcdonald 's restaurant is opened in some part of the world every 14.5 hours .
11 Now this means that this part of the globe the bit nearest to the moon will have more than it 's fair share of gravity because it 's got the gravity of the earth and it 's got the gravity of the moon pulling all the sea which will cause the erm sea to bulge up in this region .
12 The working hypothesis examined here was the proposition that NSEs would perform at least as well as standard entrants ( SEs ) In this part of the study the authors considered AEs both as part of the NSE category and as a separate group .
13 I found this part of the walk the most satisfying , both for the scenery and nature .
14 I was disappointed that the valve did n't seem to play as big a part in the sound as I was hoping , so maybe Hughes & Kettner should look at giving this part of the Attax a tweak or two .
15 In this part of the interview the respondents were asked to perform a variety of tests so that the interviewers could observe their capacity to cope with some of the tasks usually needed for people to live independently .
16 Meanwhile in another part of the wood the trust team are felling sycamore trees .
17 In this assessment of an explanation the writer has disagreed with the main proposition and supported it by looking at the Liberal and Labour parties separately , and secondly at the other factors making for Liberal decline .
18 This way , I live cheap and put some money in the bank every week .
19 Occasionally , we have a picture which survives at some depth , such as this description of the work the smith owed his lord , the Archbishop of Canterbury , on the manor of Tangmere in 1285 :
20 Langbaurgh Coun Steve Kay has persuaded the Department of Social Security to take another look at the way the area is divided for cold weather payments .
21 Although in some branches of the law a defendant may be treated as intending the known inevitable or likely consequences of his act , that is not so here , for it would stretch the tort too far to impose liability where ‘ the reasons which actuate the defendant to use unlawful means are wholly independent of a wish to interfere with the plaintiff 's business , such interference being no more than an incidental consequence foreseen by and gratifying to the defendant . ’
22 In this conception of the state the bureaucracy is seen as drawing strength from different groups .
23 Six seconds of fame after hours of queueing for this fan of a fan THE Lamports had queued for four hours before they were interviewed for the Antiques .
24 Right I put this together ah very quickly just before you came in , I thought it would be useful to get some feedback on the education the two educational events that have taken place so far , now unfortunately I could n't go to Topping Printing but you were there Ann
25 These were men unmarked by battle who screamed indistinguishable news as they rode , so that over the river and through the trees you could glimpse the turning masks of grinning enemy faces , while on this side of the river the King put up his hand and Tuathal and his men came to a halt .
26 On this side of the house the traffic from the main road could not be heard .
27 If he copies from another drawing in a book the translation from the three-dimensional plane to the two-dimensional drawing will have been done for him , so he will not have had to observe as carefully and think as much as he would have had to do if he had made his own translation .
28 When you are working in a surgical ward you should remember that although the operation performed may give you some indication of the pain a patient is likely to experience , there will be a great variation in practice .
29 In another condition of the experiment a " masking " stimulus was presented 20 milliseconds ( msec. ) after the offset of the letter display ( post-cued condition ) .
30 ‘ I saw some programme on the television the other day , ’ said Harry after a moment 's musing .
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