Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [verb] not [prep] fact " in BNC.

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1 It seems that this passage led Barnett J. ( and indeed the Court of Appeal ) to conclude that the district judge should have approached the inquiry on the footing that ( i ) the burden of showing that the continuance of the prosecution would be a misuse of the process of the court rested upon the applicant , but ( ii ) this burden could prima facie be discharged by demonstrating an inexcusably long delay , unless the prosecution could in turn discharge the burden of showing that prejudice did not in fact follow from the delay .
2 The short answer is that we can not , and that structures of this kind do not in fact evolve .
3 The argument that is to be found most frequently in the writings of the philosophers who held this conception does not in fact relate to colours and sounds , though colours and sounds certainly received a good deal of attention .
4 The definition of price stickiness which we shall employ in this section does not in fact alter very much the policy implications of the model developed in the previous chapter , although it may have implications for the test of that model .
5 These alignment rules mean that such computers do not in fact operate as pure byte-oriented machines , and are a consequence of a way in which the architecture of the computers has been implemented .
6 Although " this offer has been accepted by Marshal Tito " , it had " subsequently been discovered that these troops had not in fact entered Austria … it was possible to turn them over to Marshal Tito in complete formation , and prevention of infiltration into Austria was essential for operational reasons " .
7 Although unfortunate for the view that latent inhibition can be equated with conditioned inhibition , these results do not in fact constitute a death blow .
8 It would seem obvious that at least some of those practitioners had not in fact vanished at all , but still existed at the time of the Crusades .
9 Gershuny ( 1982 ) reported that these have saved time for working-class households and challenged the widespread contrary belief , instanced by Bowlby ( 1984 ) , that technology has not in fact cut domestic labour .
10 Most people do not in fact recognize the secularist bias precisely because it is ubiquitous and so forcefully put across .
11 So most people have n't in fact failed exams .
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