Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [verb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But in the total picture if you take what a , any , an average American state spends and you ask the question what proportion of that money comes from the federal government , the answer is wait for it , the answer is about twenty percent .
2 Most social historians have tended to stick with Raymond Williams 's argument and have been reluctant to give up the notion that what was most lively and energetic in all that variety came from the working class .
3 The fact that she held to her theory of carpel polymorphism , despite the overwhelming criticism levelled against it , in some measure detracts from the overall impact of her morphological work .
4 Some prisoners benefiting from the general amnesty of March 7 had been detained following earlier incidents in October 1987 and October 1988 .
5 Inevitably those few insiders who do undertake postgraduate research in the social sciences are aware that they are involved in the creation of ‘ clap trap ’ , and must know that this denigration stems from the implicit threat they pose to the structures of pedagogy and institutional power .
6 Some galleries project from the first floor of the house ; others are on barn buildings above the yard .
7 The impetus for this study came from the disastrous upsurge in the levels of these diseases , particularly gonorrhoea , which was increasing at 10 to 15 per cent .
8 Here is another chapter opening from the same children 's book .
9 Because I am a writer caught up willy-nilly in the polluted air of our own times , because I can not avoid entirely the language , assumptions , behaviour and weirdly chiliastic bombast so typical of a corrupted age , I can force myself to imagine by what tormented mental process an educated and rational man of some sensibility moves from the cerebral subtleties of Keynsian economics to the animal crudities of purchasing unsatisfactory and momentary sexual release from a cheap little whore .
10 ‘ I myself can not even begin to imagine by what mental process an educated and rational man of some sensibility moves from the reputed subtleties of Keynsian economics ( the process which has , apparently , saved the capitalist system from the collapse which would in turn have provoked a revolution ) to the blatant crudities of contemplating intercourse with a mindless whore .
11 The motivation for this research derives from the pressing need to assess the reliability of econometric models for cross-section data .
12 The thematic structure of the Arabic translation of this extract deviates from the original for a number of reasons .
13 Fig. 1 shows this fabric knitted from the basic punchcard design used as an example of basic slip stitch in my last article .
14 Although it could be argued that it is not really chronology continuing ( as suggested by the chapter title ) because there had been insufficient time specification before 1950 , the sequence of this chapter proceeds from the basic foundations , to the alternative models , to sea level changes , Quaternary geography and hence to the prospect of environmental change .
15 Although no clear account of this episode dates from the early sixth century , Gregory 's evidence is confirmed by the chronicle of his own contemporary , Marius of Avenches .
16 More often than not Ma starts me off only to leave me stranded above the waterdragon with my–backside wedged into the Young Person 's Patent Toilet Seat Adaptor ( another trophy won from the WI jumble by Pa ) .
17 Few writers deny that the bureaucracy is very influential , but most go on to suggest that this influence waned from the later 1960s as the Diet and the LDP cabinet took a more positive role .
18 However , this mill differs from the simple prototype in having a brickbuilt outshot against its south-east elevation which was constructed to house an auxiliary steam-engine that would be brought into use during periods of drought .
19 The 520 bp fragment is the major PCR product observed and sequencing of this fragment obtained from the different cell types indicated that repeats AD1 and 11 are spliced together .
20 All this suspicion arose from the first nylon yarn that appeared on the market .
21 Dunlop was always in control of this race leading from the second lap and after that it just was n't a race .
22 I believe that one firm is at present training one male monotype operator , who is being taught by a woman , It is true that this evidence comes from the opposing side so to speak , but nowhere is a counter-assertion put forward by the union that men had applied to learn and been turned away .
23 Many of the marble columns and capitals on this façade came from the earlier church and other Byzantine buildings in Italy and elsewhere ( 185 ) .
24 Another theory comes from the serious Australian Magazine journalist Frank Robson .
25 A full list is given in appendix C. Some symbols derive from the Latin names of the elements ( see table 4.2 ) .
26 our rugby action this week comes from the divisional championships … the South West are on course to win these because on Saturday at Gloucester they made it two wins out of two … this time out they beat the North by 29 points to 16
27 But even a Ministry Curriculum Development Centre can find itself in some sense isolated from the main machinery of educational planning and administration and thus acquire a certain sense of unreality .
28 The hardness of this life stemmed from the chronic poverty and occasionally cruel exploitation to which the nineteenth-century farm worker — or ‘ farm labourer ’ as he was more customarily referred to — ; was subjected .
29 In more technical terms , this approach differs from the tree-and-branch system of cabling , the type used in the US .
30 It was a warm , spring morning and I was lying in the garden , reflecting on life in general and taking it easy , when I heard this music coming from the top-floor flat where the windows were all open — and there was somebody singing .
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