Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [verb] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Rain said , exasperated , that each route led to the same point and that meant back to the Tunisian .
2 ‘ There is no doubt , ’ Agrippa intervened silkily , ‘ that Ruthven died by the same hand and in the same way as Selkirk in the Tower . ’
3 The court also awarded damages equivalent to US$20,000 to another Palestinian injured in the same incident .
4 In the case of ancient or medieval coinage the existence in different groups of coins of different or similar patterns of die axis may support or reduce the likelihood of some coins belonging in the same group .
5 Here is another chapter opening from the same children 's book .
6 In another experiment reported in the same article , Kleiman observed the interference effects in a slightly different word-processing task .
7 Erm , the simulator will be developed er for this aircraft starting at the same time as we enter the production investment phase .
8 Another stock to advance for the same reasons was General Cinema , owner of Harcourt Brace .
9 Another law adopted on the same day recognized the principle of press freedom and decreed that the news media should abstain from encouraging intolerance between tribes or races .
10 And we 'd do anything to prevent another child dying in the same way .
11 Family grief : ‘ We talk about Danny a lot and would do anything to prevent another child dying in the same way ’
12 Another decree approved on the same day authorized the employment of Albanians abroad .
13 Its main function will be to ascertain whether the results of the first investigation would appear as firm to another team going over the same ground .
14 Although visiting grandparents was the basis of many significant memories and relationships , it is surprising that in the first set of interviews there are even more significant mentions of grandparents who at some point lived in the same house as their children .
15 It is ironic that this prohibition occurred at the same time as several well-designed research studies were clearly demonstrating the efficacy of ECT .
16 Vegetation , like this tree found in the same area , suggests that the mammoths were existing in a climate at least a couple of degrees warmer than southern Britain has now .
17 Another person died on the same day and at least eight people were hospitalized with bullet wounds after police had moved in to smash barricades erected by demonstrators at Pec .
18 On this basis , the unit and type readings of jacket in I like this jacket belong to the same lexeme , because the same contrast recurs with skirt , dress , coat , hat , etc .
19 Now it is perfectly true that some families remained in the same district for hundreds of years .
20 They stopped and another friend bound for the same place , who had seen the problem , pulled up and walked over to them .
21 If he were a safety representative on a platform and , without explanation , he were transferred to another platform run by the same operator or service company , how would an industrial tribunal or any other organisation be able to prove that the reason for his transfer was that he was making a nuisance of himself over safety matters ?
22 On the one hand , the local situation and knowledge about it encouraged some people to retire at the same time as they were made redundant .
23 After all , some people confronted with the same issue might smile quietly and respond gently and constructively until the issue blew over .
24 It is currently unknown , however , whether this subset belongs to the same functional category as the CD68 + L1 + mononuclear cells infiltrating malignant lymph node processes and often developing in normal ( reactive ) mesenteric lymph nodes .
25 Generally speaking , the law in California in this area developed in the same way as it did in England .
26 Most of this song proceeds in the same manner .
27 Another Anglo-Irishman working in the same tradition was Joseph Le Fanu ( 1814–73 ) , whose father , the Dean of Emly , lived and died in fear of premature burial .
28 This taboo belongs to the same category , fayawan , as incest and other rules against mixing things which should be kept separate .
29 Basalts form the entire oceanic crust of the Earth , and all of this basalt originates in the same way , from the melting of rocks in the upper part of the mantle , underneath the ocean ridges .
30 Lexical meaning can be studied by defining a particular set of words which in some way refer to the same subject , such as all colour terms .
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