Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [verb] [prep] the other " in BNC.

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1 For example , each side said about the other side :
2 Well I reckon it 's gon na take us three and a half hours to get to the other end , so two and a half hours to it and an hour on it if it 's not too bad and then of course we 've got to go up from there to Ipswich , Woodbridge but it 's dual carriageway all the way now you see .
3 Another speaker at the Congress , the communist deputy V. I. Belov , argued that the Russian Republic was in fact in a position of some disadvantage compared with the other republics , since it alone lacked the full range of party , state and scientific institutions .
4 Another figure slipped down the other side .
5 But when a crowd of equally hardened bearded old prisoners from another Oflag appeared on the other side of the gate , the inmates of the camp felt rebuffed and even a little concerned .
6 The taxi stopped briefly , and as it did Rachel saw another taxi stopping on the other side of the road .
7 There was usually some man waiting on the other side of the hole , like some sea creature waiting to grab its prey , and after I had settled on the seat , there would be a significant pause .
8 Such an approach to stationary axisymmetric space-times has subsequently been developed by Ward ( 1983 ) , Woodhouse ( 1987 ) and also by Woodhouse and Mason ( 1988 ) , who showed how this approach relates to the other solution-generating techniques mentioned above .
9 Another door lay on the other side of the room .
10 Another track ran down the other side .
11 I 'm usually too absorbed in my work to spend much time looking at the other students . ’
12 The ability of each group to fight alongside the other ( something which depended upon a very disciplined approach ) was undoubtedly one of the main tactical developments of the fourteenth century , and was to play an important part in helping bring about a succession of English victories in battle .
13 Since each of these parties leant on the other for reassurance , relations between them will be soured as a result .
14 Any questions or clarification that either team want from the other team about their views ?
15 I saw Dickie this morning and I said to him how do you let these bowlers follow through the other pitch ?
16 Later in development the cell bodies of these neurons translocate into the other side of the brain ( H. Simon and A.L. , manuscript submitted ) .
17 6.1 This Agreement shall take effect on the date of signature of this Agreement and shall continue for a period of three years and from year to year thereafter until or unless terminated by either party giving to the other not less than six months ' prior written notice , subject always to prior termination as hereinafter specified .
18 The Sun covers more cases compared with the other popular dailies .
19 When digits are presented in pairs to left and right ears , there is an almost universal tendency ( Broadbent , 1954 ) for subjects to report all of the items presented to one ear before reporting those items presented to the other ear .
20 In your opinion does that , do those comments apply to the other two sectors , north of York ?
21 Bertha , of course , never went anywhere , but Rabbi Moishe sometimes wished his daughter-in-law had a little more — humanity ? no , no , he must n't judge — a little more inclination to mix with the other married women ; he respected his daughter-in-law , she was holiness itself , as frum as an angel , and as for housekeeping .
22 Not surprisingly , we can trace this same arms race on the other side .
23 Is he also a key person in any decisions made about the other offices which may exist or be proposed in his nation ?
24 Order 20 , r 12A provides as follows : ( 1 ) Subject to paragraph ( 2 ) , at any stage in an action or matter the court may , if it thinks fit for the purpose of disposing fairly and expeditiously of the action or matter and saving costs , direct any party to serve on the other parties , on such terms as the court shall think just , written statements of the oral evidence which the party intends to lead on any issues of fact to be decided at the trial and RSC Ord 38 , r 2A shall apply to a direction under this rule .
25 The articles of the partnership deed should clearly state the rights of partners with regard to one another , and the duties which each partner owes to the other members of the partnership .
26 Discovery obliges each party to disclose to the other all documents relevant to the issues , except those containing legal advice on those issues .
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