Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A major conclusion from cross-sectional studies based on PIMS is that ROI increases significantly as market share increases .
2 In that case switching away from equity and into debt offers two potential advantages : it tends to concentrate ownership ( both equity and debt ) into fewer hands that may care more about how the firm is run ; and it provides a clear discipline for managers .
3 Mother always got annoyed when that story came up in conversation , and I made sure that it frequently did .
4 If difficulties of that kind get out of hand , a crisis state develops .
5 But generally it was felt that mothers could be relied upon to exert themselves on behalf of their children and that mismanagement resulted more from ignorance than from vice .
6 You know little kids coming out of school and going straight on the road .
7 It seems that this passage led Barnett J. ( and indeed the Court of Appeal ) to conclude that the district judge should have approached the inquiry on the footing that ( i ) the burden of showing that the continuance of the prosecution would be a misuse of the process of the court rested upon the applicant , but ( ii ) this burden could prima facie be discharged by demonstrating an inexcusably long delay , unless the prosecution could in turn discharge the burden of showing that prejudice did not in fact follow from the delay .
8 In division by 10 each figure moves down in place value while the decimal point stays in place .
9 Rejecting Galen 's theory , that blood passes directly from right to left ventricle , he proposed a vital role for the lungs , where a vital spirit emerged from the mixture of air and blood .
10 That schools differ widely in outlook , expertise and resources , and that such differences help to influence the degree to which individual pupils may find it difficult to progress has been one of seminal emphases of the Warnock Report ( DES 1978 ) .
11 Another marked difference between the effects of cholera toxin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide or prostaglandins is that secretion stopped promptly after prostaglandin or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide infusion .
12 The army occupies an area of land the size of Torness turbine hall with each soldier standing stiffly to attention a few inches from his neighbours .
13 No computer industry in the world has developed without government support of some kind , although the mechanisms of this support vary considerably in market and non- market economies .
14 The short answer is that we can not , and that structures of this kind do not in fact evolve .
15 This opportunity to strike out for independence was precisely what her fiery Arien temperament craved !
16 This case covers perhaps in classic form the problematic use of a woman 's previous sexual history in determining the outcome of a rape trial .
17 I am aware that Carl Bridgewater 's parents must suffer every time this case comes up for review , but they too , surely , must want true justice to prevail .
18 I do have a question and , and it has n't made , that has n't made it particularly clear as to where we are , you hinted that , and I think that was also seconded here that there might now be a post of some kind to carry on for instance the thing that I 'm particularly worried about is that there 's a sort of hiatus in the heartbeat awards , which I think would be a tragedy if that happened , and I want to be absolutely sure that that is , is n't so .
19 This hope lived on in Judaism .
20 This measure came largely in response to suggestions made to the government in April by representatives of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) .
21 The first moves in this direction began soon after independence , with the ‘ Education with Production ’ programme .
22 Few cases end up in court , but where necessary , the backing of the law will be sought to enforce acceptable standards . ’
23 The experience of working with gifted teachers and heads in their early career , the sense that they have in some cases been given the benefit of working closely with other wise and successful teachers — particularly inside a religious order — the fact that they in some cases went away from teaching and , having had time to reflect in quite unrelated work , then saw that teaching was an obligation which they should meet — these are among the backgrounds which heads are prepared to reveal .
24 This provision ranges widely in form and presentation with major concerts , recitals , plays , celebrity lectures , opera , dance , films , demonstrations , exhibitions of works of art and even an award-winning Summer Festival of Extra Mural Activities designed for visitors and tourists .
25 This provision ranges widely in form and presentation with major concerts , recitals , plays , celebrity lectures , opera , dance , films , demonstrations , exhibitions of works of art and even an award-winning Summer Festival of Extra Mural Activities designed for visitors and tourists .
26 Straightaway Steve got on to Malcolm and told him they needed all this money to join up with Scientology .
27 It was a gentle enough life and it took only six and a half hours to travel home by taxi from Beirut to Jaffa .
28 Some contracts provide instead for performance without delivery , generally by payment of differences by reference to a published price or index .
29 Their relatively smaller personal estates reflect perhaps more than anything else a generally modest standard of living in the shires , for while the greater apparent wealth of some yeomen consisted mainly of farming stock , a big landowner , burdened with a large family and heavily encumbered estates , might find himself compelled to endure a spartan existence ; unlike a yeomen , moreover , he might have to support a train of unproductive servants .
30 The argument that is to be found most frequently in the writings of the philosophers who held this conception does not in fact relate to colours and sounds , though colours and sounds certainly received a good deal of attention .
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