Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [Wh det] [vb mod] [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 She already has 70 people will to pay just £2 per month for ten months , half of which will go to Breakthrough , and the rest to provide prizes , and she needs just 30 more to make the One Hundred Club work .
2 Modules at this stage have minimal pre entry recommendations and offer opportunities to develop a wide range of skills , some of which may lead to vocational competence .
3 Thus it is possible that , as a result of letting out contracts for individual services possibly to different suppliers , the aggregate cost of the individual contracts ( each of which would have to be independently viable ) will exceed the combined cost of the original integrated services .
4 Up to five stages in the life cycle could be identified , each of which might respond to a different agent .
5 This will condense and form a fine dust much of which will return to the surface , most of it a long way from the impact .
6 All of which may appear to be fairly straightforward , but to connect four musicians in such a short time with a combined objective and musical compatibility is no mean feat .
7 Above all , the three-part test of obscenity adopted by the Court in 1966 was strengthened , laying down three essential conditions , all of which would have to be satisfied in every case :
8 For the West , however , there were promises of greater respect for human rights in the Soviet bloc and of increased East-West contacts , all of which could lead to an easing in Russian domination of Eastern Europe .
9 More probably , decay and deterioration of materials and installations is the result of lack of maintenance , the results of which may include blocked or broken rainwater drains , displaced roof tiles or peeling paint finishes , all of which can lead to timber decay .
10 It has a personal element , discounts and rebates , all of which will have to be listed by the local authorities .
11 Particularly productive , however , is comparison with Latin literature of the twelfth century and later , all of which must belong to a learned milieu .
12 It caused damage to seven hundred homes , many of which will have to be demolished .
13 However , care must be taken when using sintering aids and impurities , both of which can lead to a degradation of properties in the body and premature failure of the prosthesis .
14 As well as affecting sleep , noise is thought to create tension and fatigue , both of which can contribute to accidents and mental ill-health .
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