Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [art] [det] time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ( You are rarely able to sample rhythms as often as you would like. ) ( a ) Are your 4 hours of observations made in a single session or a number of sessions ? ( b ) If it is a single session , is this at the same time or at different times each day ? ( c ) If it is at different times , then how do you arrange them ? ( d ) If it is a number of sessions , then how many ?
2 Nations have to do this at the same time as they keep up economic growth , or accept a drop in standards of living .
3 ‘ You see , one of the advantages of being dead is that one is released as it were from the bonds of time and therefore I can see everything that has happened or will happen , all at the same time except that of course I now know that Time does not , for all practical purposes , exist . ’
4 She would have liked the brune he offered her , but could n't cope with the tape-recorder , the paper with the questions written out in the Blot office , the unfamiliarity of speaking French after an interval , as well as Meursault 's cult reputation , all at the same time as smoking .
5 Most of the action would be improvised with two or three scenes happening all at the same time as in a mediaeval play .
6 She broke off , feeling a rush of heat and cold all at the same time as Niall studied her with penetrating intensity .
7 The final 20 minutes is filled up with a song in three parts ( Rule Two : All songs in three parts are shit , too ) called ‘ Everything Under The Sun ’ , which attempts to be like ‘ Abbey Road ’ , ‘ Tommy ’ , and ‘ Dark Side Of The Moon ’ all at the same time and instead sounds like the worst moments of 10CC , REO Speedwagon and every other would-be epic turd factory band of the 1970s .
8 Robyn swallowed and glanced out at the pouring rain , glanced at him , at the carved , arrogant profile that irked and thrilled her all at the same time and then at the rain again .
9 Course , Derek Weintraub just sat there , totally gormless and I-know-it-all at the same time as only a fifth-year O-level repeat can be .
10 I do not expect any difficulty in getting approval for the larger sum , and can do that at the same time as tenders are to hand for acceptance , but it will remain important to contain the total project cost as far as possible .
11 He did all that he did all that at the same time if he is go
12 ( 8 ) The text of the tender advertisement must be cleared with the Quotations Department if the offer is made on the London Stock Exchange but otherwise with the Panel and copies of the final text must be given to both at the same time as they are given to the newspapers .
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