Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The growth of individualism has weakened the economic relationships between the generations to a far greater extent than that between the sexes within the family .
2 And how important is that for the birds of the area .
3 In the ‘ Oz ’ case , the Appeal Court ruled , in effect , that for the purposes of the Obscene Publications Act 1959 the word ‘ obscene ’ meant , and meant only , ‘ a tendency to deprave and corrupt . ’
4 Thirdly , he may provide that for the purposes of the rent review under the headlease , the sublet property shall be deemed to be let at a rack rent .
5 The functional association of two domains can then be interpreted through a hierarchical search extending down from the initial checking for the intersection of geometric domains , through an entity or edge condition check , into that for the relationships of the sub-surfaces contained within the spatial intersection .
6 It was agreed that ( i ) a system of proportional representation in the Assembly of the Republic ( legislature ) would be adopted ; ( ii ) legislative and presidential elections would be held simultaneously within one year of the signing of a ceasefire accord , although this deadline could be extended ; ( iii ) presidential candidates would be at least 35 years old and their candidacies supported by a minimum of 10,000 signatures ; ( iv ) the minimum voting age and that for the representatives in the Assembly would be 25 years , although there was an expectation that these would be reduced to 18 years after the first set of elections ; ( v ) a National Electoral Commission , one-third of whose members would be appointed by the MNR , would organize the electoral process , determining for example the number of seats per region ; and ( vi ) the government would assist the MNR to secure appropriate facilities to carry out its political work in at least every provincial capital .
7 Do this for the women of the world , read the note John Furie Zacharias held .
8 While Father Aden tidies the rooms , Brother Bernard slips into his role as tourist guide , showing off some off the treasures of the Abbey .
9 We notice this about the covenants of the Bible ; they are usually established with the signs of sacrifice and blood .
10 In Sunset 's case you are acutely aware of this as the moves into the upper groove are made — definitely not a place to part company with the rock !
11 Screw to this as the sides of the box four pieces of wood of thickness about 9mm ( ⅜″ ) to give a depth of about 51mm ( 2″ ) .
12 De Niro 's other appointments have included : as designer , a friend of a production aide , whose normal line of work is women 's wear ; as site manager , a former Disney executive ; and as architect ( 20 were interviewed ) , the relatively unknown Lo-yi Chan , whose inexperience was blamed by some for the renovations to the Martinson building going $350,000 over budget .
13 Many of the largest TNCs have assets and annual sales far in excess of the GNP of about half of the countries of the world .
14 For about half of the innovations in the sample , patents delayed imitation by less than a few months .
15 The fact that half of the members of the Bundestag are selected from party lists , rather than being elected , only reinforces the power of the parties , weakens accountability and is open to the usual favouritist pressures .
16 The regulation treats parent companies as those having control over another company , such as where a company owns more than half of the share capital , or has the power to appoint more than half of the members of the board .
17 One spin-off is that many feminist psychologists still identify themselves as lesbians ; half of the members of the Association of Women in Psychology , for example , are lesbians ( Basow 1986 ) .
18 It is a stance which dismisses the needs of over half of the members of the community and sanctions major crimes such as rape , assault , actual or grievous bodily harm and murder .
19 Sidacai had already devoured half of the pastries on the plate .
20 Half of the women of the court were here — which fact , Alexei thought , should not have surprised him .
21 Those at the bottom rarely moved up , and nearly half of the sons of the upper-middle class stayed there .
22 Even though the actions in the present experiment were specifically designed to eliminate any overt suggestion of role differentiation , singulars still accounted for nearly half of the continuations under the best condition for plurals ( same description type , use of and ) .
23 Slice the onion into rings and lay half of the rings along the fish .
24 For example , in the election of February 1974 , the Liberals with over half of the votes of the Conservative and Labour Parties only secured 14 seats instead of the 122 to which they were proportionately " entitled " , and in the 1983 election the Liberal-SDP Alliance secured 26 per cent of the vote but only 23 seats whereas the Labour Party with only 2.2 per cent more of the vote won 209 seats .
25 What the position would have been if , say , half of the contents including the signature had been written on one occasion and the rest of the contents on another , later , occasion , with the deceased indicating on the later occasion to the two witnesses that he regarded his signature as authenticating the whole of the contents , does not arise for decision and need not be decided now .
26 Yet , in a somewhat art-y place like Freud 's which recently displayed the photographic work of Jane Ralley , the solitary wild-eyed scribbler was not too out of place ; but then , judging by the subject of half of the photographs in the show , the owner could count on this crowd to retain its sophisticated bonhomie in the face of far more deliberate provocation .
27 The Governor suspected that John 's banking affairs would be in a similar mess and a check showed that under his Chairmanship and by his influence , more than half of the assets of the Bank of New South Wales had been loaned to a small group of businessmen .
28 Just as a sub-lessee may be required by his sub-lease to comply with some of the covenants in the head-lease , and is answerable to his sub-lessor if he should breach those covenants , so rule 2.12(1) provides a régime in which appointed representatives will be subject to the Norwich Union , not directly to Lautro .
29 This was erected in 1801 at about the same time as some of the farmhouses in the parish .
30 The shadowy collaboration between Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc to put the Macintosh Finder user interface and Toolbox applications development aids atop Novell 's DR DOS clone of Microsoft Corp 's MS-DOS and network client software to give the poor relations in the graphical user interface stakes , the iAPX-86 personal computer users , some of the joys of the Macintosh , has now been pinned down pretty firmly by MacWeek , and it appears that the resulting product will be marketed by Novell .
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