Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ’ We did it to give some of the great youngsters a chance ’
2 In some of the other houses the stable was now a double garage , but in this one it had been blocked in and a window installed .
3 In some of the applied sciences the number of hours may be considerable while in an Arts course the formal teaching periods may be relatively few .
4 These are just some of the key issues the APB must address .
5 If it was not for her , this Council would have had more opportunity of addressing some of the deep problems the Tories either created or left behind .
6 It is possible that there will be more than one round of interviews , but this simply introduces the repetition of some of the above activities The verdicts of interviewing panels must be recorded and where necessary reconciled with the preferences of applicants Offers of employment must be sent out including contracts Once these ( or alternatives ) have been accepted , rejection letters will be sent out .
7 In some of the above categories the present Publication Officer functions alone and covers both in-house production of information ( with the IT at her disposal ) and organises external production ( through HMSO and printers ) of publications .
8 It was to get in those lectures , of course , ’ she added , flushing a little as she recalled some of the pointed remarks the headmistress had made to her , about lack of initiative and weakness of will .
9 Whilst access to these acres helped alleviate some of the expansionist pressures the cost of transport or difficulty in maintaining adequate attention could lead to unacceptably high losses at times .
10 In parts of the West Country and the South , much of the land had been enclosed long before the fifteenth century , whereas in some of the northern counties the movement did not get under way until late in the sixteenth .
11 For many families in Scotland , homecare plays a big part in alleviating some of the huge problems the face .
12 Southend are one off the bottom … but they 've given some of the top teams a run for their money this season …
13 Actually , I 'd already had some in the Western Isles the previous day at the excellent An Lanntair gallery .
14 For each of the nonmanual groups the proportions of men and women who smoked were similar but prevalence was higher among men than among women in the manual groups [ 1 ] .
15 In each of the above questions the pupil must order decimals correctly to obtain the right answer ; the decimals are of differing lengths and care has been taken to ensure that both of the two common errors in decimals produce incorrect orderings .
16 In each of the above examples the children have been asked to take on the role of " people who know " ; and it is this which gives them their stake in the drama .
17 In each of the early civilizations the emphasis rested on opaque or translucent stones , in China on jade , but elsewhere on different forms of chalcedony , lapis lazuli and turquoise , the qualities of each of which could be displayed effectively by the simple process of polishing their surfaces smooth .
18 For each of the new members an initial quota of special drawing rights ( SDRs ) was established ( 69,000,000 for lithuania , 74,000,000 for Georgia , 43,000,000 for Kirgizstan , 61,000,000 for Latvia , 31,000,000 for Estonia , 45,000,000 for Armenia , 1,500,000 the Marshall Islands and 1,700 million for Switzerland ) .
19 Their body plan , which is radially symmetrical , contains in each of the radiating arms a complete set of the basic body organs for locomotion , digestion , respiration , and reproduction .
20 In each of the cited authorities the court had come to the conclusion that there was no issue proper to be determined .
21 This was so important that for each of the national developments a full time National Development Officer ( NDO ) was seconded for a year from a college .
22 A person doing either of the above infringes the right whether he does it in relation of the whole or a substantial part of the topography .
23 ‘ If we change the name , we show disrespect for all of the good things the party has done for Poland . ’
24 Here , despite all of the external constraints the Course has managed to maintain the principle that every student should be allowed to take any module for which he or she is ( qualified and which can be timetabled .
25 In many of the lower-wage countries the growth of this type of employment has been the only real employment growth .
26 These fungi are traded with other Goblins for weapons and many of the other items the Night Goblins need .
27 In many of the above examples the claim was that a third party had become bound by the treaty in whole or in part , and had ceased to be a third party .
28 As with so many of the primitive plants the arthrophytes had their heyday in the Carboniferous after a probable origin in the Devonian .
29 Many of the Asian designers the US trade weekly talked to were worried about the 66MHz clock frequency , because at that speed , stray radiations become a serious problem and it is unlikely that garage operations are going to be able to knock up boards using the chip that will work .
30 The improved organizational and propaganda activities saw Labour recover many of the parliamentary seats the party had lost in 1931 at the 1935 General Election .
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