Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [art] [noun] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the third period , that after the parents ' death or incapacity , I do accept the reasonableness of employing a nursing agency and therefore on this occasion I do accept Mr figure per year of sixty five thousand five hundred and thirty seven pounds and ninety six pence .
2 So I I would erm you know , quite often get bags of clothes , and s we sorted them out , and give them to people with erm quite large families and erm we used to also get some for the tenants ' association for the jumble sales .
3 The Tropical Forestry Action Plan ( TFAP ) , which is seen by some as a loggers ' charter , is to be reformed .
4 The first of these stages was much the most important , for despite the promulgation of the Nazimov Rescript a betting man would not have laid money , at the end of 1857 , on the proposition that peasants were going to acquire both freedom from manorial jurisdiction and some of the landlords ' property .
5 Reviews of exhibiting societies ' shows have constantly presented difficulties to critics , as it is only possible to give brief comments on some of the artists ' work ; how could it be otherwise when an exhibiting society shows several thousand works ?
6 Integral to at least some of the philosophers ' thinking is the idea that the individual is part of a collective ; a member of society .
7 At the same time we have to take account of the fact that some of the households ' income will be channelled into saving , and that additional spending on the output of firms will arise from investment .
8 After half an hour or so , when some of the journalists ' drinking arms were a blur , Jefferson banged on the table .
9 Changing this number also meant changing the inscriptions on some of the camps ' memorial plaques ; some Jewish groups did not like the wording of the new inscriptions .
10 Your stringer should be able to explain these terms and more — and understanding some of the stringers ' buzz words can be useful , even if it 's just to impress your friends .
11 The Snake Goddess was another of the Minoans ' underworld deities .
12 There is no statutory requirement to refer to this in the directors ' report .
13 There is no statutory requirement to refer to this in the directors ' report .
14 The Labour Party conference defeated Communist affiliation at the request of the National Executive and with the approval of most union officials other than some in the Miners ' Federation and the Amalgamated Engineering Union .
15 A brief outline of the events is that the editor of a major medical journal ( a ) republished a previously published paper solely in order to attack it in an editorial ; ( b ) did this without the authors ' permission , while stating the opposite ; ( c ) initially refused to allow the original authors the right to reply in his editorial criticism ; ( d ) published a further editorial attack when ( a year later ) he published an edited version of the authors ' response ; ( d ) refused to publish any other correspondence about the editorial attacks ; and ( f ) gave another editor a dishonest account of events to dissuade him from publishing our account of the affair .
16 Circles of radius one , two , five and ten kilometres were drawn around each station and the census enumeration district data were used to produce maps and tables showing population numbers , structure and characteristics around each of the stations ' catchment areas .
17 Onlookers paying £40 a head might have disagreed , for though the clothes were gorgeous and the models undeniably pretty , the atmosphere was more like that of a girls ' boarding school than an haute couture show .
18 Stella Fearnley replies : In response to Richard Harwood 's comments , I feel I should point out that my article did not imply that the only perception of district societies is that of a practitioners ' club , and that this perception emerged from market research carried out among our members last year , not from my own opinions .
19 Sheltered housing is accommodation in a group of self-contained flats ( or sometimes bungalows ) with a resident warden , alarm system and some shared facilities such as a residents ' lounge , guest room and laundry .
20 A tenancy in common is usual in a business situation such as a solicitors ' partnership .
21 lf you go to a specialist shop , such as a plumbers ' merchant or central heating specialist , you will be able to find other sizes .
22 I also liaise with land users organisations such as the Ramblers ' Association , British Horse Society and Cyclists ' Touring Club .
23 The Wootton and Widgery proposals came to hand at the right time ; there were pressures from bodies such as the Magistrates ' Association and the Justices ' Clerks ; while the prospect of legislation prompted a clearing out of the pigeon holes of Whitehall .
24 They should perhaps look to take a more active role in initiating advocacy projects by funding development work with local users and with agencies such as the Citizens ' Advice Bureau which have developed expertise in this area .
25 The second and most detailed stage will be a series of three interview surveys : of solicitors , to establish the amount and kinds of work they do ; of general legal services , such as the Citizens ' Advice Bureaux , to establish how far they complement or duplicate the service provided by solicitors ; and of a sample of the population from selected parishes to find out the kinds of issues that have caused individuals to resort to legal advice .
26 The first stretch to Castletown takes you past sights such as the smugglers ' hideout at Jackdaw Cave and a treat for birdwatchers at Derby Haven where huge flocks of birds feed in the bay .
27 Some nationalised industries already offer these benefits ; and in some cases , such as the teachers ' scheme , a woman with a dependent husband can arrange for him to receive a pension on her death .
28 Teachers ' pay and conditions are legally fixed by law ( such as the Teachers ' Pay & Conditions Act 1987 ) and set out in successive annual documents .
29 Those MPs who succumbed to the pressures of Party democracy brought their golf clubs with them and spent long days on the sandy links of Southport and elsewhere , returning to their hotels in the evening to take part in an entertainment such as the Agents ' dinner and dance .
30 Also king 's business were several works fostering uniformity in religion such as The Bishops ' Book , 1537 ( STC 5163 ) and The King 's Book , 1543 ( STC 5168 ) , of which multiple editions had to be printed .
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