Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 Few people perhaps would disagree with this as a moral principle or ethic but , in practice , the reality has not matched the ideal .
2 But that will not be it : the firm predicts liabilities will peak at ¥12 trillion in 1993 , before falling by half during the following year or two .
3 If you can do this after an informal interview or visit then so much the better .
4 The D R one A is currently an excellent er tactical reconnaissance aircraft , all weather , at night etcetera and er it will go on well into the next century so there 's no great hurry to make a decision er one of the first points has got ta be decided is whether we carry the reconnaissance equipment in a pod under the aircraft replacing some of the other weapons or whether we try to build it in and er but taking first things first we have to get the requirement sorted out .
5 Other initiatives , such as skill-sharing and studio-sharing , forming a group or association , or joining an arts guild , can help reduce some of the financial overheads or create cheaper and often better ways of exhibiting work .
6 Yellow Pages or some of the local journals or whatever and will have a copy in existence which we can use .
7 This is probably not a planned strategy , but the result of constant tiredness , busy programmes or some of the physical discomforts or psychological problems already mentioned .
8 Nowadays the keen water gardener has become far more selective when purchasing waterlilies , either trying to obtain some of the rarer varieties or experimenting with some of the more recent introductions of nymphaea , especially some of the outstanding new varieties that have been produced in America .
9 Of the remainder , some of the main reasons or comments given for not having this policy were ;
10 By another of the technical innovations or borrowings which mark the art of this time , terracotta figurines and heads are no longer generally made freely by hand or turned on the wheel but pressed into moulds .
11 The system should assume that the top-rated candidates are correct unless the user chooses another of the existing candidates or enters an alternative word .
12 You can still use your creamy cleansing milk at night to remove make-up , but follow this with a facial wash or bar .
13 I do not say this in a malicious way or to score debating points , but I said that the chairman of Scottish Nuclear had argued at the Nuclear Forum that there might be a case , in the strategic interests of the nation , to subsidise nuclear power .
14 " Look , sir , " the young man called Starke said seriously , putting his pen down , " I 'm trying to do my job here ; now … are we going to approach this in a sensible manner or not ?
15 The extent of the surrender varies from one person to another , and the assumptions about the claim to privacy also vary — not only from one person to another within a given group or society , but from one society to another and from one historical period to another .
16 Normative scoring involves marking the child 's performance on each item as correct or incorrect and converting this to a standardised score or an age equivalent .
17 I mean in a w well I ca n't , did we , I wonder if we recharge this to the Welsh Office or not ?
18 Erm you can , something like this on a red mount or something , you can imagine it would be absolutely hopeless .
19 In the last chapter it was explained that some of the world 's languages are ‘ tone languages ’ , in which substituting one distinctive tone for another on a particular word or morpheme can cause a change in the dictionary ( ‘ lexical ’ ) meaning of that word or morpheme , or in some aspect of its grammatical categorisation .
20 ( You are rarely able to sample rhythms as often as you would like. ) ( a ) Are your 4 hours of observations made in a single session or a number of sessions ? ( b ) If it is a single session , is this at the same time or at different times each day ? ( c ) If it is at different times , then how do you arrange them ? ( d ) If it is a number of sessions , then how many ?
21 Under the new format , that goal will be stepped up to seven of the top eight players in each of the nine tournaments or 12 of the top 14 .
22 Principal components are defined in terms of combinations of the pixel values in each of the four MSS or seven TM bands .
23 The creation of a National Commission for the Consolidation of Peace ( COPAZ ) , made up of one representative from each of the political parties or coalitions in the Legislative Assembly , and two each from the government , armed forces and FMLN , charged with the task of supervising the implementation of all future accords , including ceasefires and changes in the armed forces ; its work to be supervised byrepresentatives from the Roman Catholic Church and the UN Observers for El Salvador ( Onusal ) .
24 What effects , is any , do rapid changes in technology have on the appropriateness of each of the alternative ways Or putting a cost or a value to an item .
25 Whether his survival was that of a cynical trimmer or one who had a paramount belief in the idea of the royal supremacy is impossible to determine , but he can not have been a good parochial pastor because of his persistent plurality .
26 Commenting on the composition of the Edinburgh Trades Council in mid-century , Ian McDougall writes : " local trade unionism was predominantly , though not exclusively , that of the skilled workers or labour aristocracy " In printing , a craft trade par excellence , organization went back as least as far as the eighteenth century in Edinburgh and several other towns .
27 President Kaunda told delegates that Zambia 's experience could not be compared to that of the Soviet Union or of East European countries which had recently opted for political pluralism .
28 The fault is not entirely that of the sanitary authorities or of the immediate landlords …
29 ( b ) Separate practice The decision must be taken as to whether the business of a new office is to be integrated with that of the main office or whether it is to be run ( or the extent to which it is to be run ) as a separate , self-financing enterprise or even a separate partnership but using the same firm-name .
30 It may be worth paying a bit extra for luxuries such as a personal service or a special lending facility .
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