Example sentences of "[det] [adj] be [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The natural history of cervical cancer among older women is uncertain , but ‘ that little is known about the natural history of cancer of the cervix does not seem to have been an obstacle to the introduction of screening programmes for younger women . ’
2 Given that this was formed in the late 1980s and that our estimated time for previous changes to reach the Rockall Trough was 18–19 years , we predict that the next decade will see continued cooling and freshening of the subpolar gyre as the latest form of LSW circulates around the North Atlantic .
3 A further eleven are under construction with a combined capacity of 11,908 MW and another eight are planned with a capacity of 10,547 MW .
4 Some of the companies making this possible are presented in the following pages .
5 Even sex reformers like Havelock Ellis shared in the assumption that menstruation was debilitating , and by some this was seen as an educational disqualification .
6 And erm again and again you find that it is , that the thing you half suspected is mentioned by a character later , and when I find that I 'm strongly inclined to suppose that Shakespeare has put it there .
7 Well , I think it 's not erm a superstructure that 's been put there , because , I mean for example when you get a particular idea , there are often other questions you can ask to check whether it 's really present , to see whether the thing is alluded to at the appropriate point later in the plot and that sort of thing , and erm again and again you find that it is , that the thing you half suspected is mentioned by a character later .
8 This much is stated by the Roman chronicler Tacitus , and thus constitutes the one sure assertion about Jesus to issue from a non-biblical , yet contemporary , source .
9 This much is established in the play , but , unable to think of a suitable ending , Perry anticipates the events to come by aborting the drama prematurely with a radio cut written into the script .
10 Security officials concede the enormity of their task as there are around 4,000 militants in the Valley trained in the use of arms and explosives by Pakistan while another 3,000 are waiting for the winter snows to melt so they can cross over into India from Pakistan .
11 This latter is illustrated by the fact that until recently operating licences were issued more or less indiscriminately to any company that wanted to set up a sawmill .
12 Just as ‘ Prostitution is on the increase ’ is quite distinct in meaning from ‘ I believe that prostitution is on the increase ’ , at least when this latter is taken as a psychological statement rather than as a modally qualified form of ‘ Prostitution is on the increase ’ , so ‘ Prostitution is wrong ’ is quite different in meaning from ‘ I disapprove of prostitution at least when this is taken as a psychological statement .
13 This latter was built by The Club of Czech Tourists who had seen the Eiffel Tower at the International Exhibition in Paris in 1889 .
14 This latter was situated beside the road and was not bisected by it , as was the larger fortified site at nearby Liberchies ( Les Bons Villers ) .
15 A thousand people have come here in the last year and another thousand are expected in the next year .
16 That afternoon two more carcasses turned up at the northern end of Butterwick Low , and another two were reported from the Norfolk coast , close to Cromer .
17 Another two were found in the shop of a man called Hasham Abassi , Dalkammoni 's brother-in-law , two months after the PanAm bombing .
18 Another four were discharged during the day .
19 Only a few hundred were killed on the road each year ( about 4 per cent mortality ) , which , as the Table shows , is insignificant compared with the overall annual mortality rate of 50–60 per cent .
20 Another 140,000 are starving in the outlying villages .
21 Tony Thomas , the BRM Trustee told SRN that this 4-6-0 is to remain at the museum for the foreseeable future .
22 This last is finished in an open-weave stretch fabric and is located very simply by two pegs at its base and held back against the baffle by a strong magnet at the top — an exceptionally neat arrangement which , together with the lack of any visible fixings for the driver itself , gives the 103/4 very clean lines whether or not the grille is left in place .
23 This last was said with a kind of passionate zeal that was typical of Robert , and which sometimes grated on Stephen 's nerves .
24 This last was exacerbated by the overcrowding which existed in the old , foetid and disease-ridden central area , where cholera made sudden savage attacks and typhoid was endemic .
25 In addition , the notice of objection stated that in respect of any sum properly chargeable to the plaintiffs , i.e. any sum in respect of which objection number 4 could not be maintained , the plaintiffs required ‘ taxation as to the amount thereof and/or that such be referred to the inquiry directed by Chief Master Munrow in the said order . ’
26 This includes looking after indicators , lighting and general tidiness to ensure that lift cars and such like are left in a good condition .
27 It is futile to inquire into the causation of verbal behaviour until much more is known about the specific character of this behaviour ; and there is little point in speculating about processes of acquisition without much better understanding of what is acquired .
28 Because so much more work has been done and so much more is known about the business way of accounting , having alternative methods leads to confusion .
29 ‘ It is a sad reflection on the financing of drug research that so much more is spent on the development of new and ‘ me too ’ drug therapies , ’ it adds .
30 In the course of this exploration , we have seen how much more is needed in the creation and understanding of coherent discourse than knowledge of the language system alone : its sounds and letters , its words and its sentence grammar .
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