Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun pl] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But after another 75 minutes a second note said no one had changed their mind .
2 After a few false starts a whole vocabulary and syntax that he never knew he knew begins to well up from his old-fashioned black portable .
3 This not-yet-class plays a key role in organizing the political forces of antiracism centred on local authorities .
4 Of that transaction , the Getty 's director , John Walsh , said sardonically , ‘ a picture this important needs a permanent home ’ .
5 The ‘ artificial circumstance ’ of the theatre and of ‘ live ’ variety allowed some middle-class observers a safe glimpse into that ‘ tumult and promiscuity ’ which Arnold Bennett found to be typical of American hotel lobbies and which most respectable people took to be the hallmarks of the new city .
6 One and a half million saves a six year old little boy 's life in a London hospital .
7 A few muffled voices a short distance ahead appear to be cursing in French , then silence as the advance continues .
8 For the most part this has largely been along formal or semi-formal lines , and even within these individual organisations a formalised structure almost invariably predominates at meetings .
9 We have now added to these three levels a Joint GCE O Level/CSE French for Communication examination ( for which I am Chief Examiner for the Oxford and Cambridge and East Midland Regional Examination Boards ) .
10 While he would see in these neglected traditions a democratic imperative , it is by no means clear that this should be so .
11 In these industrial districts a high proportion of families earned a substantial part of their living from metal crafts or mining or the manufacture of cloth .
12 Despite these unfavourable factors a high proportion could read direct information from the table , but any interpretation required by a question or any processing of the required data reduced success rates .
13 There are the Welsh Road , the Salt Way , the Port Way , Akeman Street , Traitor 's Ford Lane and Banbury Lane ; and besides these named roads a considerable number of roads , lanes and paths that excite our curiosity by their directness for miles across almost uninhabited country , or by their association with parish boundaries or ancient earthworks ( like Aves Ditch ) , or some other suspicious circumstance .
14 They draw implications in the world of a deaf child 's hearing through the early fitting of a hearing aid and point out that even under these advantageous circumstances a deaf child 's functional hearing may not be comparable to that of hearing children at the same sound levels .
15 Two of the abiding characteristics of these businesses are first that like newspapers a high proportion of their costs are fixed and secondly , unlike newspapers er , their main selling season is in the second half of the year .
16 In many European countries a similar method of ‘ criteria targeting ’ has been applied to schools .
17 In a great number of cases we do not know how specialized particular occupations were , how many different jobs a single man might hold .
18 On the other hand he referred to the claim of the appellants that the volume of documentation was very large and that if in all such cases a similar order was made there would be ‘ intolerable disruption ’ to an auditors ' business , the risk to the appellants that in producing the documents they might provide material to ground claims against themselves , and the suggestion that the order was not sufficiently specific in that it did not indicate to the appellants the areas in which the respondents considered that the appellants or others might be liable .
19 In all three cases a considerable improvement of library provision and management in the relevant areas is expected .
20 The Director-General , Biagio Agnes ( like all RAI executives a political party appointee ) , has angrily accused the Berlusconi camp of ‘ dragging in even the authorities of the state and seizing every opportunity to attack the public broadcasting service with statements of such arrogance that they betray weakness and sheer lack of class despite ( Berlusconi 's ) economic power and much-vaunted influential friendships ’ .
21 The comparatively large sums involved conferred on all these agencies a substantial power of patronage over recipient institutions .
22 In all these cases a gastrointestinal cause coexisted either with a second gastrointestinal cause ( 10 ) or a non-gastrointestinal factor ( seven , including three with non-gastrointestinal malignant disease ) .
23 That political commitment will naturally demand respect for the legislative measures adopted by Parliament as the representative assembly , a respect for which the legal doctrine is in almost all likely circumstances a suitable expression .
24 For all practical purposes a specific exclusion clause which is rendered unenforceable under these circumstances can be regarded as void .
25 An appeal to the Swedish Supreme Court is considered unlikely , so Christer Pettersson is to all practical purposes a free man .
26 Our behaviour therefore may seem inconsistent and irrational , but should be considered in the light of our sharing with all living organisms a finite planet .
27 For a given histogram ( in this case the histogram from Fig. 1 c ) , an ‘ autocorrelation score ’ was calculated by subtracting the best-fitting smooth distribution ( in this and many other examples a single gaussian provided a good fit ) , filtering the resulting difference function in the Fourier domain , then detecting peaks in its autocorrelation function .
28 Neville Whittaker , the ebullient chief executive of the North East Civic Trust , says the region has so many bad buildings a great deal of it would not be left standing if he could invoke the Heseltine solution .
29 Our early thinking , at the moment , is that we should seek ways , but without major upheaval , to bring HNCs and HNDs under the ‘ general SVQ umbrella ’ because this would give those advanced awards a rightful place in the framework of Scottish Vocational Qualifications and at the same time simplify and clarify progression routes from introductory through to advanced qualifications and beyond .
30 Ben and Mark Pretty , seems to have given those colonial chappies a good seeing to on their recent sojourn in Colorado , with numerous on-sight flashes of high grade routes .
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