Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah but you may spend that bloody standing at end of a bloody airfield here thinking nothing 's been done .
2 She pounded into the frost-rimed chamber , breath freezing in front of her face , checking each possible place of concealment for a figure , dreading what she might find .
3 I glance into my glass and hand her back the J ; her eyes close as she draws on it and I put my lips to my glass , slipping that sucked-on sliver of ice into my own mouth and rolling it around there , pretending it 's her tongue .
4 The bang as it bounces may be picked up by a hearing-aid or by a vibrator , thus avoiding that sticky mess on top of the stove .
5 Its a , during the course of the time of the crucifixion , Jesus is on the cross and its says there , there were two others also who were criminals , were being lead away to be put to death with Jesus and they came to the place called The Skull , there they crucified him and the criminals one on the right and the other on the left , but Jesus was saying father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing , and they cast locks divided up his garments among themselves and the people stood by and looking on and even the rulers was sneering at him excuse me , and even the rulers were sneering at him saying he saved others , let him save himself if this is the Christ of god , his chosen one , and the soldiers also mocked him , coming up to him offering sour wine and saying if your the king of the Jews save yourself now there was also an inscription above him , this is the kind of the Jews , and one of the criminals who was hanged there was hurling abut at him and saying you are not the Christ , save yourself and us , but the other answered and rebuking him said do you not even fear god , since you are under the same sentence of condemnation and we indeed justly for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds , but this man has done nothing wrong and he was say , and he was saying Jesus remember me when you come in your kingdom , Jesus said to him truly I say to you today you shall be with me in paradise I wonder if you 've ever been in that awful position of facing of what you thought was certain death perhaps you were seriously ill and er , there seemed little hope of your recovery , perhaps you were facing some danger , some , some risk and it seemed almost certain that short of a miracle you were gon na die , I wonder what sort of thoughts would have been going through your mind , maybe w , may well be that you were with other people , I wonder what sort of things if you were in a condition of speaking , what sort of things you would of been saying to them .
6 He 's a seasoned American decentralist in that broad tradition of dissent from Thoreau to Mumford , who , in a series of books , notably Human Scale ( a thoroughly documented US equivalent of Schumacher 's Small is Beautiful ) , Dwellers in the Land ( about regionalism ) , and The Conquest of Paradise ( about the European exploitation of the Americas from Columbus on ) , has attempted to contradict received opinion .
7 Rincewind swallowed hard when he saw them , because they were walking on that broad expanse of ceiling like flies .
8 The implementation of the National Curriculum in the nineties will lead to an extension of that broad span of ability up the age range .
9 Parallel with this process , SPG would undertake research within each European country in order to quickly ascertain the following features :
10 We should note , however , that loneliness is itself a feature of many Canadian writers , fruit of that belittling vastness of country in which they are placed .
11 A record of that momentous adventure from launch to recovery .
12 That might intensify that odd look of sympathy on his face , as if he already knew it meant something to her , when it meant nothing to him .
13 you know , because they do n't know what their right are with And you know , I think places like the law centre , which fight for the rights of people in , you know to develop that that kind of service for people .
14 They found that mixing each cubic metre of soil with 3 kg of Agrosoke reduced by 65 per cent the amount of water needed to grow sunflower plants .
15 Each different piece of information in the structure being accessed has its own list of indexes .
16 Opposition parties also expressed concern over the Council 's plans , as announced on July 17 , at a time of rising costs for national reconstruction , to endorse a cash payment of KD20,000 ( US$65,000 ) to each Kuwaiti family as compensation for damage during the occupation .
17 Employers in the main seem to see little direct relevance of education to specific job requirements .
18 Can this , at last , be a glimpse of that untroubled way of life in the cobbled , horse-drawn streets of Old England ?
19 There is little detailed work on homelessness in rural areas , largely because of the diffuse nature of the problem .
20 The problem for social policy-makers and for feminist commentators on social policy is whether to take that sexual division of labour for granted and plan neighbourhood services and housing design such that it is taken into account .
21 Maybe , I 'll take a trip to Granada or that shimmering village of Mojacar on the hill .
22 The suggestion that er we should join this er , I mean first of all I think that 's if they would allow us to join it , and obviously we realise why they want to join this , rather to the Archbishop of Canterbury saying he would like to join er sit in his cabinet and , and , this , this that sort of level of discussion .
23 For the development industry this that sort of concept of trust is n't safe enough .
24 A number of different factors seem to have contributed to this extensive scale of decentralization from the major metropolitan areas , including changes in residential preferences and the search by companies for less cramped factory sites and for cheaper and less organized labour such as married women .
25 These reforms created a service which was controlled at the top but left some regional autonomy in relation to the allocation of funding and service organisation ( see Klein , 1989 ) .
26 Frequently , this orthographic evidence for variation in Middle English is rejected not on the grounds that the scribe was literally an Anglo-Norman ( which is what Skeat argued ) , but that uses such as variable h are originally scribal importations from French or Latin usage .
27 Another progressive change with age in sleeping patterns is the number of arousals during the night .
28 With Nigeria , Brazil exchanged promises to trade $4 billion of sugar and some sugar-processing equipment in return for oil .
29 Though they have all faced more complex choices by virtue of having mixed policies towards foreign investors and internal interest groups , there has been some perceptible consistency in approach over time , even though that is at times obscured by administrative and political compromise .
30 ( How agents perform this prodigious feat of mimicry without actually using some form of the correct model remains decidedly mysterious to this author . )
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