Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [conj] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It self-seeds ’ could soon become a warning note , striking as much fear into gardeners hearts as ‘ It propagates easily from root cuttings ’ does to anyone who has tried in vain to remove some acanthus or bindweed from a flower bed .
2 Always quarantine new stock if at all possible and treat with a general antiparasite solution to guard against the introduction of ectoparasites into your aquarium or pond .
3 By Christmas sealing of the hangar , electrical power and lighting were all complete and work on the displays could start in earnest .
4 These gaudy coloured sea slugs are all carnivorous and feed on a wide range of sessile or slow moving invertebrates .
5 And this particular it , it maybe all nice and calm on the surface , but underneath there is a whole maelstrom of , of of agitation .
6 By seeming to do little more than wait for the economy to get better by itself , President Bush condemned himself .
7 In 1977 , the Labour Health Secretary David Ennals said : ‘ In the present economic climate the Government can do little more than provide for the increasing number of old people , leaving a small margin for improvements in method of treatment . ’
8 Many employers did little more than comply with the bare regulations .
9 Most live and work in the village .
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