Example sentences of "[det] [verb] by [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The individual trials lasted no more than five minutes each followed by a few minutes ' deliberation .
2 And sometimes it 's all done by the same company .
3 In other words , the most difficult tasks found within any given layer are all characterized by the same type or category of complexity , just as water remains in the same liquid state from 0 degrees to 100 degrees Celsius , even though it ranges from very cold to very hot .
4 The various departments ’ relations with Parliament , with outside bodies and professions are all governed by the same consideration that the minister is in charge and that he can be attacked ( in or out of Parliament ) for anything that happens or fails to happen in his department .
5 The letter detector for any letter ( let us say R ) is used to identify that letter regardless of its precise visual form : for example , uppercase , lowercase and handwritten forms of the letter R are all identified by the same letter detector .
6 They were all playing by the same rules .
7 To return to Dr Johnson , this book perfectly illustrates his sonorous maxim : ‘ We are all prompted by the same motives , all deceived by the same fallacies , all animated by hope , obstructed by danger , entangled by desire and seduced by pleasure ’ .
8 ( It is , by the way , exactly the implicit reference to an extraction set that distinguishes English superlatives from forms considered broadly equivalent in some other languages , for instance those designated by the same term " superlative " in Latin . )
9 Was that caused by the same sort of sedimentation , the same sort of depositing of silt ?
10 They , in turn , love one another , because they are each loved by the same elder brother , or substitute father figure .
11 If the education and training differs substantially from that required by the same profession in the ‘ host ’ member state , an aptitude test or a period of supervised practice may be necessary .
12 They are both funded by the same bodies .
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