Example sentences of "[det] [verb] [adv] from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That failed far from the surface .
2 That stands away from the wall .
3 This differs considerably from the version found in the theatre score .
4 This stemmed largely from a lack of political analysis and clarity in relation to nationalism and feminism on the part of Southern feminists .
5 This stems largely from a failure to embrace new work practices and is no part of the new deal .
6 In our case I believe this stems both from the traditions of our company and also from the fact that we are a technical and scientifically based company : we therefore have the respect for the individual and the respect for novel ideas emanating from others that is a feature of the scientific method .
7 This stems entirely from the violence I encountered from my father when I was young .
8 This derived clearly from the issues raised in the Prime Minister 's Ruskin speech .
9 This grew naturally from the edge and surface description modellers by the addition of procedures for ensuring that the object is fully defined by surfaces , and by giving these surfaces an " inner " and " outer " side .
10 Indeed this emerges immediately from the fact that adjectives which are plainly non-restrictive can accompany proper names : ( 4 ) the eloquent Dryden is too learned for some tastes clever Polly left before they called for volunteers Even if we accept the view , less than universally supported , that proper names do have meaning , being clever is certainly no part of the name Polly on the type level , nor is eloquence of the name Dryden .
11 This follows directly from the definition of beta as the covariance of the security with the market divided by the variance of the market .
12 This extends upwards from an altitude of about 160 km .
13 This comes only from an awareness and understanding of the reasons and nature of the struggle .
14 This arises chiefly from the fact , that by unconscious tacit agreement , as well as with outspoken conscious determination , the working-people 's quarters are sharply separated from the sections of the city reserved for the middle-class …
15 This arises mainly from the fact that whereas aquamarines may occur in large flawless masses in the rock , flawless emeralds are extremely rare .
16 But who does that benefit apart from the fact they 're getting a salary at the end of the day ?
17 I have always asked myself how much Argan actually loved art , and how much derived instead from the respect he certainly had for his own intelligence .
18 Up until the introduction of the Macintosh SE and II systems there was little getting away from the fact that the two systems were fundamentally incompatible .
19 ‘ Fucking squaddie culture , yeah ; adoration of the fucking Maggie and pit bulls and getting some scoff down your neck and let's get pissed on lager and all moon together from the bus and camouflage jackets in the high street and yeah-well-I'm-inarestid-in-martial-arts-in't-I ?
20 Another way of seeing Cutler 's position , especially his historical schema , is as a conflation of Marx and Marshall McLuhan ; ‘ mode of production ’ as organizing concept gets mixed up with the Canadian communication theorist 's ‘ medium is the message ’ philosophy , in which consciousness , cultural forms and social organization all derive primarily from the effects of the various media .
21 Other candidates could also be suggested which may be better than those found simply from the pattern recognition and lexical check .
22 I mean we do n't actually get that involved apart from the fact that we did originally have a leaflet .
23 Lateral is the word given to a shoot , also called a side-shoot , that arises sideways from a leader .
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