Example sentences of "[det] [noun] that have [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although it appears that sentencing became more severe during the first three years the guide-lines were in use , Minnesota remains one of the very few states that has avoided huge increases in prison population size ( Parent 1988 ) .
2 Some books that have proved useful are :
3 It involves one of the few regulators that have shown some teeth in standing up to the powers that have been conferred by the Government on privatised British Gas .
4 It is this sector that has suffered most from the low pay strategies of the Conservatives and from unemployment .
5 Thurmaston , just to the north of Leicester , was another village that had become dependent upon framework knitting by the beginning of the nineteenth century .
6 The stomach 's adaptive capacity may alter its response to alcohol , but , there are few studies that have considered this problem .
7 and now the er , they 're not paying back , and the houses have come down and so what people are doing , or some people that have bought these houses , they 're just giving the keys back and repossessing the house
8 not the woman with three there 's another woman that 's got two , I do n't know her , she comes round with some of those envelopes sometimes
9 Jersey is another island that has enjoyed steady and worthwhile development — all on excellent granite .
10 It was reassuring to hear of another life that had gone wrong , to be reminded that , however successful a person might seem , things were n't always easy .
11 If you want in Colossians chapter one in verse twenty seven , it 's , it 's given again very simply , again can I use J B Phillips , he puts it like this , he says the secret is simply this , Christ in you yes he says Christ in you , bringing with him the hope of all the glorious things to come , so what God does he comes in to this situation that 's marred that 's warped , that 's twisted and he comes in by himse , Jesus Christ comes into it , he becomes the central point , the focal point and that circle , it starts to get dealt with , that marred twisted like , it does n't happen being like that , we knew creation straight away , we do n't have to work at that , but he , as we allow him to dwell in us and to work out his purpose , he restores that relationship with God and God starts to fashion us , he starts to work on us and bring us back into how he originally created us .
12 Bra ( one spare ) , pants ( two spare ) , T-shirt , my white cotton trousers , purse with my bank card and rail card in , one-and-a-third packets of chocolate digestives ( two-thirds eaten last night between Scab Woman and here ) , some cheese that had sweated fat and looked distinctly revolting , and the dried fruit .
13 This is an arranged marriage , one of the few in many centuries for this family that has gone wrong . ’
14 It is the latter development that has had great influence on the creation of the commercial AI industry .
15 There were so many people that had become involved in this now enormous creature that resided in Beckenham called Growth .
16 Those people that had found ways of structuring their time , of organising themselves round routines , or having particular sorts of appointments to make _ and this could take many forms , like , for example , just getting up early in the morning to play a sport game , for example , or arranging to meet other people at particular times _ those people that had got some sort of time structure in their lives and some sorts of regular activities to carry out in their lives erm tended to be a lot less severely affected by unemployment than those people that did n't have these sorts of activities , this sort of time structure .
17 The important thing is to make sure that those people that have got those particular skills are given those roles to be able to perform that role perform use those skills .
18 Thus Martin ( 1988 ) talks of a clear inverse relationship between deindustrialization and tertiarization : those regions that have suffered most from the decline of manufacturing employment have gained least from the expansion of jobs within the private service sector .
19 The same circumstances that have brought more attention to the miniatures are no doubt a big factor in the development of a grouping as yet not officially recognized , but being listed and offered by more and more growers .
20 The degree of dispersion away from these concentrations has been limited by the same forces that have prevented low-income people in general from moving into suburban environments , combined with a desire for being amongst their own people in an essentially alien culture .
21 In the early stages we started off with perhaps Minor schools which could almost have been Major ones , because you were just trying to find any school that had got some kind of life , or interest , or things happening … really in many ways it was rather a matter of chance because of the way it happened at the time .
22 Other strategies which recognise the new sense and the new possibilities are the wildlife/domestic stock village systems developing in Central Africa — systems not dissimilar to the self-sufficient , low-input philosophy that Gandhi was promoting before India became a monolithic Civil Service with centralised control which destroyed village integrity : the same problem that has caused thousands of Africans to return to their villages in the last twenty years , giving up their Government jobs for which they were never paid or even got their rations .
23 They have consistently refused to co-operate with any venture that has fallen short of the promise of self-determination .
24 There is little doubt that to have become obese in the first instance we have simply eaten too much of the wrong sorts of foods .
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