Example sentences of "[det] [noun] that have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And then she said : ‘ Mebbe he 's one of that gang that has been holding up grocery stores . ’
2 Er , so i it 's er changes of that kind that have been looked at because if you move production work out of one nation into the other to get a nice rationalised allocation of work , you build this wing , you build that wing and so on , you then have got to do something with the minor components to get back to you original erm work share allocation and percentage times .
3 W what I go for are two major points I think which actually demonstrate the fallaciousness of this budget that has been proposed to us as an amendment .
4 There are some projects that have been offered to us and there are a couple of tracks just sitting there which have Freddie 's vocal on — not much , but maybe two or three songs . ’
5 Some of the nomes scouted around the sheds and came back with a few vegetables that had been missed , but it was a pitifully small amount .
6 This reflects the so-called doctrine of double effect which was incorporated into English law in one of the few cases that have been decided in this area , R v.
7 Situation : A is a police-officer investigating some damage that has been done near the school A thinks that B may have had something to do with it .
8 ‘ When you did not come to see him I made myself a vow that you would face reality and not some story that has been hammered into you since childhood .
9 How she loathed this web that had been spun so swiftly round her .
10 He glanced out at a gang of starlings fighting over some breadcrumbs that had been tossed on the lawn .
11 At the very least , these models suggest what might have existed and how the few sites that have been detected may be interpreted .
12 She should n't be allowed to stay there if , how old is this girl that 's been chucked out of the house ?
13 As he glanced up at her , his eyes shuttered , she found herself asking another question that had been puzzling her for a while .
14 Another insight that has been coming to me consistently is that instead of beseeching God to undertake certain actions or to grant certain mercies or blessings we should state our faith that He is already and always at work in the way that we desire , so that our petition becomes an expansion of our address to Him , a relative clause expressing our conviction of faith that He is already doing what we were about to request Him to do .
15 Another symptom that has been attributed to excess caffeine is the restless legs syndrome .
16 Because of the long-term nature of the business ( many funds run for five years or more ) , there are comparatively few firms that have been going long enough to supply relevant data .
17 John Sculley at Apple Computer Inc is another name that has been canvassed , and he is the exception that proves the rule that an outsider ca n't run a computer company , but he came in fascinated by the business and devoted all his efforts in the early days learning about it for himself rather than relying on his minions , something no-one taking over IBM now has time to do .
18 The few studies that have been undertaken have been carried out from a management perspective in terms of stock management or to quantity overall use of library , materials apart from items recorded in circulation statistics .
19 Those few studies that have been carried out in free-running experiments suggest that the body clock might run slightly faster .
20 It is this discretion that has been used routinely to allow questioning which Parliament had intended should be exceptional .
21 You should be able to solve some problems that have been bothering you for some time , especially those connected with your work .
22 Tosh said he did n't like some things that had been written about her in papers .
23 There are some TNCs that have been operating in Latin America , Africa and Asia for decades and have won enviable reputations as model employers .
24 And the la I think the last paragraph which is er refers to some advice that has been given to you .
25 Another method that has been tested upon some blind people is the regular use of the hormone melatonin , a product of the pineal gland .
26 But when I look back , I think it 's this path that 's been ploughed for me .
27 And that 's been another thing that 's been worrying me over the weekend .
28 I felt this was a chance for me to put to rest one way or another this thing that had been nagging at me for such a long time . ’
29 The interpretation of some examples that have been studied is that they were rings cut from the upper part of an elephant 's tusk with the pulp cavity forming the natural ring ( Myres and Green 1973 , pp. 100–3 ) .
30 In this country that has been ravaged by civil war even more than by drought , security is shaky .
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