Example sentences of "[det] [noun] have [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That decision has angered the dead man 's family .
2 We can conjecture that some of the slaves had bought themselves to serfdom ; that penury had compelled the free to sell their freedom for bread .
3 Does my hon. Friend agree that the figures given demonstrate clearly that nationalisation has failed the Scottish coal industry and that the only hope now is that it will be privatised in the imminent future ?
4 Held , dismissing the action , that the statutory framework leading to the grant of planning permission envisaged that a local planning authority would balance the interests of the community against those of individuals ; that where a planning authority had granted consent to the development of an area , the measure of disturbance to individuals had to be considered against the changed character of the neighbourhood and those living close to a public highway affected by that change had to accept the increased volume of traffic in the greater public interest ; and that , accordingly , since as a result of planning permission the two roads now gave access to a commercial dock operating 24 hours a day , the serious disturbance to individuals from the movement of heavy goods vehicles was not an actionable nuisance ( post , pp. 460G–H , 461A–C , H — 462B , C–F ) .
5 It can be seen that the committee continues to recognise the difference between obtaining possession by a trick ( that is , ‘ by deception ’ in its new wide sense ) and obtaining ownership by false pretences ( again , ‘ by deception ’ ) but the committee intended , and it seems that Parliament has adopted the same approach in section 15 , that , for the purpose of finding the accused guilty , it would cease to matter whether the victim was deceived into transferring ownership or into handing over possession .
6 Any major player in this field has to take the imminent MPEG standard very seriously .
7 Surprisingly , few researchers have considered the potential influences on memory of the traumatic nature of being involved in or witness to a road accident .
8 This response has incorporated the respectable face of feminism , concerned with ‘ equal rights ’ , into its understanding and provision , with a range of initiatives intended to acknowledge the justice of equal opportunities .
9 In this extract the hero approaches Stonehenge : Some readers have found the human sacrifice image ‘ juvenile ’ , and it is reminiscent of the general level of The Vale of Esthwaite ; but in Wordsworth 's defence one must point out that everybody believed that Stonehenge had been the scene of human sacrifice , and continued to do so until this century ( see , for instance , Hardy 's Tess of the D'Urbervilles ) .
10 For Europe , the nineteenth century was the great time when languages were identified and codified in single forms , minority languages in part eliminated , consciously national literatures and musics invented , and the territory mapped ( appropriately described as a ‘ father ’ or ‘ mother ’ land , even though very few peoples have occupied the same territory for more than a thousand years ) .
11 This chapter has traced the main phases in the history of International Relations as a discipline and has thereby set an agenda for the rest of the book .
12 This chapter has had the modest aim of explaining only the kind of way in which it must have happened .
13 This chapter has described the main premises about types of care needed which underlay the way the action project was designed .
14 This chapter has considered the two most natural methods of recognition used by humans — speech and writing .
15 This chapter has considered the important topic of money : we examined the definition of money , its functions and traced its evolution from the days of the goldsmiths .
16 Commenting upon their total experience of Minor award schools , DCSLs also noted that a few schools had misconstrued the long-term intentions of the project and had cut library capitation in years following external funding .
17 Some manufacturers have overcome the latter factor by placing the batteries in a compartment separate from the control box ( eg Fisher 1266-X and C-Scope CS4ZX ) .
18 This Plan has updated the local contribution and suggests a new target reduction of 880 casualties .
19 First , the gurus argued , this slump had produced the first fall in house prices since the early 1950s .
20 This work has shown the gradual deterioration of performance as random additions are made to a file , and the marked acceleration of this process as records are allocated to independent overflow .
21 This is not the first time that this issue has reached the public domain , or will it be the last time that the House is asked to focus on the rights and duties of citizens in circumstances — from time to time inevitable circumstances — when the interests of one individual or one set of individuals necessarily impinge on and potentially damage the interests of others .
22 He was born heir to the betrayed promise of the Great War , after which another Welshman had assured the returning British soldier of a ‘ home fit for heroes to live in ’ .
23 The pattern was similar last summer , with the premieres of David Blake 's The Plumber 's Gift at the Coliseum and John Casken 's Golem at the Almeida , while the London International Opera Festival brought Udo Zimmermann 's Die Weisse Rose , another work to have done the European rounds in triumph before landing here .
24 The removal of many thousands of large whales , especially the krill-feeding rorquals , from the Southern Ocean within a few decades is thought by some ecologists to have favoured the many other species , including fish , birds and seals , that feed on krill .
25 Agriculture is an extensive activity with dispersed employment , but this sector has seen the largest decline .
26 When social services departments were first established a number , perhaps a majority , incorporated some research capacity into their structure and in some departments this capacity has survived the many reorganizations , changes of policy and fluctuations of resources which have taken place since 1970 .
27 But for some variables we do , and some economists have used the available data to carry out these tests of the rational expectations hypothesis .
28 Some observers have attributed the Soviet Union 's apparent willingness to carry a high trade deficit with almost all of its trading partners in Latin America to the fact that it is using trade primarily as a political instrument in order to increase its influence within the region .
29 This glaciation has given the Outer Hebrides a complex relief of rock knobs , and small , peat- or water-filled hollows , and intersecting linear grooves or valleys often occupied by lochs and lochans .
30 Very few studies have evaluated the serological tests described in our study .
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