Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Remember when cutting the stock material that it must be turned over after each cut to obtain the correct angles on each segment .
2 Starting with Homer and finishing with Virginia Woolf , Auerbach uses this framework to characterize the different ways in which a selection of writers represented reality across the centuries , and in so doing traces the gradual abandonment of the principle of decorum in favour of a more modern standard , according to which seriousness and realism are wholly compatible .
3 However , if the mail message has two or more pages , you can use this field to inspect the remaining pages .
4 It is then more important than ever to include some topsoil to introduce the essential bacteria .
5 And surely there must be fuel of some kind to feed the great furnaces , and surely there would have to be a store-place .
6 To a historian of the health services this decision to rationalize the two hospitals on to one site could be seen as rather disappointing .
7 There is now some provision to meet the extra costs of the disability itself .
8 Casual encounters on the beat are kept to a minimum by the public , primarily , the police claim , as a result of intimidation , and constables get few opportunities to display the interactive skills that might foster good community relations , although the rare occasions when this happens are seized upon by the men and recalled with pleasure thereafter .
9 I have made few attempts in this chapter to give the first references to ideas or discoveries .
10 Convinced by fear that another attempt to manipulate the rigid ropes and frozen krabs at my waist would result in permanent loss of consciousness , I let Roger take over , clipping me into the belay while I lowered by head against the ice , shivering violently , numb fingers screaming with the return of feeling , struggling rationally to convince my swimming brain that this was not the final descent into hypothermic oblivion .
11 It is this attempt to redesign the genetic instructions of living organisms and utilise them on an industrial scale that is creating so much excitement and concern " .
12 … it would be unwise to introduce a prohibition on insider trading before some attempt to prognosticate the economic repercussions of such a prohibition has been made .
13 we must take heed though Chairman of the warning in the report and that was mentioned by Mrs Hilary , that it 's the responsibility of this Council to plan the future needs on the basis of the estimated shortfall in resources that have been forecast .
14 This campaign to reincorporate the visual arts into religious devotion had a particular appeal for Charles I , who was one of the foremost art collectors of his day .
15 Knowing , for example , that the firm will have a cash surplus , say for two months prior to the payment of a large creditor , such as the Inland Revenue , means that the company will be able to arrange to deposit cash over this period to obtain the maximum returns .
16 There is insufficient space in this article to explore the other types of office software .
17 Another kit to test the European authorities is on the way from Neico .
18 A drawback to this plan was the weather — that is to say , several large puddles and patches of mud were in evidence — and the fact that one would need to return to the billiard room again at some point to bolt the french windows from the inside .
19 ‘ We have trained the nurse caring for this infant to recognize the first signs of desire for food .
20 No systematic attempt is made at this point to resolve the many doubts about the details of Hocazade 's career , particularly the dates of his various appointments , since his career impinges on those of a number of Muftis and the conflicts are more appropriately discussed in detail where they arise in these contexts .
21 He informed the Sheriffs of his planned meeting , and helped lay another trap to make the final arrests .
22 There is still a widespread superstition among surfers that , in accordance with ancient Hawaiian tradition , you have to make some sacrifice to placate the bloodthirsty gods of the ocean .
23 There are others , ( we shall meet some of them later ) who would argue that this urge to emulate the natural sciences in this way is premature .
24 The princess is expected to take her sons to Althorp House later this week to attend the traditional children 's Christmas party , to be hosted by her brother Earl Spencer .
25 European Community telecommunications ministers yesterday agreed the legislation intended to ensure that voice telephone services are provided in an open and efficient way across the Community , Reuter reports from Brussels : the legislation , which must be reviewed by the European Parliament before it becomes final , would improve access of users to public telephone networks and impose rules or objectives in areas such as prices , contracts and billing ; it would establish the principle that prices are based on cost , rather than cross-subsidy — in many countries , long distance calls subsidise local calls ; France won agreement on changes that would enable tariffs to be adjusted to ensure ‘ cohesion ’ within a state — in order to cover things like service to remote areas ; the ministers are also due this week to debate the controversial plans to liberalise the telecommunications market by 1998 .
26 Use this method to find the prime factors of :
27 Some case law was required in this area to supplement the bare provisions of the UCTA .
28 Here are some answers to solve the technical hitches you may have had with your first movie :
29 They could not even think of washing my hair until I had had this operation to put the two rods in my back . ’
30 In this inclination to take the causal items as prior to their effects , incidentally , we have the support of a good deal of science , indeed a strong scientific tradition , having to do with the principle of retarded action .
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