Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do you know it is possible because of the fear of people around you , the fear of your peers , the fear of what men may say , of what your family will think , of what your work mates might say about you , it is possible to allow that fear to send you to hell .
2 this opportunity to welcome you to Barley Hall again and er I hoped you all enjoyed Charles ' bit .
3 Evaluation of the McClellan system is difficult because there have been so few opportunities to see it in operation .
4 Her new husband , Andrew Leach , made some attempt to wean her from alcohol .
5 There are loads of baddies , and the world needs some goodies to keep them in hand .
6 ‘ You can give me another place to meet her at night-time , a more private place , which she can choose and no one will be able to find out . ’
7 Pennethorne regarded Hunt 's appointment as another move to deprive him of work which was rightfully his .
8 After hearing the tapes , and being satisfied that they contained no breach of confidence , the Government discontinued the action and the BBC was finally able to broadcast " My Country Right or Wrong " , six months after it had originally been scheduled , and after being forced in this fashion to submit it for State " vetting " .
9 It is one thing to speak of involving the student , " teaching concepts rather than facts " , " practising skills " and all the other catch phrases of educational discourse ; it is quite another thing to put them into practice , to find out how to involve the student , to elucidate which concepts are of most importance and which facts are necessary to their understanding , and particularly to distinguish which are the key skills and how they are to be most usefully practised with these students in this situation .
10 There are some addresses in this booklet to put you in touch with the right people .
11 Miss D'Arcy took the compliment , appreciated the censure and the mocking of Mrs Crump , and smiled the smile of the dumbly adoring at Hope , who was alerted by such a perfect response but nevertheless willing at this stage to receive it at face value .
12 What had happened to her , to cause such torment to visit her in sleep ?
13 SCOTVEC has now adapted these competences to bring them in line with National Certificate Modules .
14 There was a lot of transporter , and she was half way along it : too far in either direction to make it to safety .
15 The failure of this ‘ mechanical speech ’ approach ( which eventually led to the development of speech synthesis by rule ) has many lessons to teach us about pronunciation teaching and learning , and it will be useful , in looking at connected speech , to bear in mind the difference between the way humans speak and what would be found in ‘ mechanical speech ’ .
16 She was almost abject with gratitude to Drew who 'd insisted she use his Land-Rover as her base , and who 'd come up specially that morning to invite her to lunch and to watch the match with him and Sukey .
17 The goods are then ‘ re-exported ’ to Italy , where , in all probability , the obliging EC officials pay more money to put them into intervention stores .
18 These themes are only noted here , because it makes more sense to develop them in Chapter 4 around relevant empirical information .
19 A particular feature of such a view of what is just is that any attempt to translate it into practice must begin by favouring the weakest and the least advantaged , since these are the people least likely to have the opportunity to enjoy an equal share of what we have , and are thus most in need of help .
20 They could n't ignore the fact that they were to part , and neither of them made any attempt to avoid it in conversation .
21 Clearly the auction house feels that in the light of new revelations about the treasure 's origins , its manner of acquisition and details of falsified export licenses , any attempt to offer it at auction would be bound to result in failure and would not redound to the auction house 's credit .
22 As they involved a great deal of the same work to bring them into effect — work that would have taken a considerable time — and would have imposed further contingent or actual liabilities on funds at a time when there was already considerable anxiety because of the uncertainty over the Barber judgment —
23 One hopes that privatisation would not result in such measures being taken and that the independent monitoring body — the National Rivers Authority — will have enough bite to stop it from happening .
24 Asserting , what was palpably untrue , that ‘ There are probably few people in India who do not sincerely regret that you should have made it impossible for any government to leave you at liberty ’ , he handed down a sentence of six years ' simple imprisonment , pointing out — the crowning touch-that the sentence was the same as that given to the nationalist hero Bal Gangadhar Tilak , twelve years before .
25 A WOUNDED British woman told yesterday how her lover gave his own life to save her from death in the claws of a crazed grizzly bear .
26 Soon , though , she drops her fancy prose and concentrates on the relationship , almost sexual in its intensity , between Mr Castro and enough Cubans to keep him in power without the brutal repression that most Caribbean dictators go in for .
27 The four o'clock call would give her enough time to make it with ease .
28 Here your role is to ensure that any plan has been developed in enough detail to satisfy you as manager that it is workable .
29 He had kept on and on about those keys , although she had been deaf to his insistence ; he had come several miles to catch her at home and seize a chance to rifle her bag for them ; if there had been any purpose to the meeting at the Old Mitre it might have been to get the keys .
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